Moors North West Amexem, American aboriginals, Taking back the lands lawsuits being won

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The nations’ governments that established themselves on the land of our ancestors are paying up for what they took:

(RT: Australian Aboriginals to get billions in compensation for land & spiritual loss in landmark case
Published time: 15 Mar, 2019 13:53)

(RT: Australia to hold Aboriginal constitutional recognition referendum ‘within 3 years’
Published time: 10 Jul, 2019 10:28

(RT: Next Standing Rock? Pokanoket Nation in bid to reclaim land in Rhode Island
Published time: 24 Aug, 2017 19:00

(RT: ‘Unlawful occupation’: Native Americans seek to reclaim ancestral land from Brown University
Published time: 22 Aug, 2017 21:13

(RT: Canadian govt responsible for harming aboriginal children in ‘Sixties Scoop’ – court
Published time: 15 Feb, 2017 13:13

(RT: Canada guilty of decades-long ‘race-based genocide’ against indigenous people – inquiry
Published time: 4 Jun, 2019 03:08

(RT: ‘Torture & murder’: WWF to be probed for alleged human rights abuses against Cameroon tribes
Published time: 8 Jan, 2017 13:29

(RT: Number of imprisoned indigenous people in Australia surged 54% over past 15yrs – report
Published time: 3 Oct, 2016 09:04

These by European colonist established nations stole our ancestor’s lands everywhere taking it by brute force, Committing genocide, horrid war crimes:
“They didn’t fight fair, at all, they went after the children and woman first, raping and torturing them, holding men down by force making them watch” – Dr Yafa bey

, while reinforcement coming being absolutely terrorized that they were forced to make a peace treaty with these filthy European colonist beast, to make these horrid war crimes stop.

The tribes of northwest amexem, America
came together to sign the treaty and form the US government, the first 5 presidents of America being aboriginal tribesmen which the US later had covered up.

The European colonist that had signed the treaty thereafter
didn’t stop their acts of genocide,
they still killed, committed horrid acts, stole children
away from parents placed them in foster care and schools indoctrinating them raping them and other harsh mistreatments.
They placed museums about the aboriginals making fun of our ancestors calling them Indians and other ridiculous lies (Of which Indies from India the Dutch V.O.C, Brits and Spanish enslaved in India)

They brought Berber Hebrew Israelites from kush to America
to be enslaved and put under horrible mistreatments.
aswell as Irish fair-skinned man and woman witch outnumbered
the dark-skinned melanted man from kush, but is never taught in schools internationally, which is today still a grossly underestimated indoctrination and the act of genocide, not enough being noticed as such breaking international law.

Read White cargo: the forgotten history of Britain’s white slaves in America.

(RT: Britain ‘invaded’ Australia? New South Wales University accused of ‘rewriting history’
Published time: 30 Mar, 2016 16:32

(RT: Indigenous Canadian women still being forcibly sterilized, claims senator
Published time: 12 Nov, 2018 17:34

They spun lies about the American northwest amexem moors aboriginals, forcing aboriginal children generations
teaching them th Christian faith. Read The genocide on Moors In Spain

Moors were not Christians, they were Islamic, however, this because of the Islam invasion in the middle east and later in north kush and west kush (Africa: Post colonized kush), conquering barber Hebrew Israelites, the original jews.
Islam Spread By The Sword

This is also a strategic aspect of the war efforts freeing
the people of America with aboriginal descent, the treaties
signed by the Moroccan empire (Keizer) whom at the time because
of the Islam invasion, moors were at the time recognized being Islamic:
Islam Spread By The Sword

The Islamic moors have the profit: Noble Drew Ali:

which was t last profit and said to be the reincarnation of Yahshua hammashiac, the messiah.

Read: Noble Drew Ali – Circle 7 – The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America


Because to destroy and rule over a people is always done
trough “divide and conquer” war tactic, A well known saying of Noble Drew Ali “know thy self”
Knowing your roots, your descent, your history, your people,
your culture, standing Tall strong and proud together.

They also force them to belive they where (are, the indoctrination still goes on) of African descent being called Afro-American, if not black witch is a curse, not addressing any nationality and a US law code for slave which is still in effect as of today in court, Afro-American is not addressing any nationality and just not true because most so-called afro-Americans are of aboriginal descent, and have the right
to claim their own nationality witch is guaranteed trough international law: Treaties Sutch as D.R.I.P.S United Nations Declaration on the Rights
of Indigenous Peoples, Barbary Treaties: Treaty of peace And Friendship 1787 Between Morocco and the United States

Read: Moorish/Muurish Treaties: Guide to Treaties and Declarations – By: Bandele Yobachi El-Amin

Before the invastion of European Colonizers, aboriginals of America were highly advanced in sciences and a very edified people, with large libraries.

Their own flag, Moors Moroccan empire flag which is over 10 thousands years old:






American Native Tribes Flag:

They had their own writing system speaking both Amharic, Hebrew
among other languages, this because pre-Columbus commercial freight travel between east America and west kush (Africa) was a very common thing.

Read: They came before Columbus –  Ivan Van Sertima


Florida and (kali)California being very rich queendoms (Queen Kalafia) pre-Columbus,
as well as Mansa Musa which was the richest Emporer recorded.

Queen Kalafia:

Mansa Musa:

Those treasuries had almost all been lost due to the burning scorching destruction by the hand of the European colonist beasts, consider these libraries to be of significant value, as the library of Alexandria, Kemet(/Egypt)
Parts of th history and treasuries are still kept buried deep underground, but much is being kept hidden by the Vatican as well.

The moors nationals of northwest amexem (North America)
are an Asiatic people, who covered every corner of the earth,
Royal Explorers from Kemet having set foot on Europe way before
the Caucasus or Caucasoids did.
Having been tsars in Prussia, kings, nobles, feuds of th roman empire, Sardinia, old Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Sardina, as well as Scandinavia
The kinky haired melanated moors being the predecessor ancestors
in now known Asia of witch china, middle east, Japan and other neighboring countries.

Back in the time of Lemuria people who had offspring had a more kind of randomized appearance features, of the face bone complexions, skin complexities as well as hair,
Offspring having all sorts of the mixture in appearance different from the parent, for example:
Parents with dark melaneted pigment skin complexion, having offspring with more fair skin complexion and red curly waving hair, instead of kinky hair.” -Da13thsun

Because much later after that ancient period,  people traveling less among each other and staying separated for a while as well as environmental changes genome diversity and genome complexion changed, not just appearance, but noticeable in appearance becoming more notably distinguishable for each tribe/region different from each other.

When looking at the skin complexion of fair skinned man, Going further and further back in time, the pigment of the skin complexion, being more and more melanated.

If you look at the pigment of all people’s on the planet
everybody is kind of freckled, and everybody has some melanin.
but the ancient men, the Kushite Ethiopian man with the most melanin, has very dark skin complexion, that is just normal with having allotted of melanin.

The more melanin you have the more your body is able to regulate how much sunlight your body absorbs, as well as the amounts of vitamin D from the sun, etc, which works like a sort of photosynthesis, the melanin on the skin is very important just like
the gut being a biomagnetic life energy battery, such sciences
can be found in china and all over the planet with different names:
Ki, Chi, Prana, Mana, Energy.

Video: Human is very important biobattery:


Thanks to the better regulating of how much sunlight is absorbed,
a very melanated Kushite is able to withstand allot more sunlight than the fairer-skinned post-Kushite occupied Roman Holy Empire.
This is why the west Kushites where able to travel to America by boat and not the European who traveled to America by boat from spain, which takes allot more time.
The current between west kush and America is strong enough to carry small boats with no sail from kush to America in just a few days.

Colonist and governments breaking international law,
and having stolen from aboriginals all across the planet
to be prosecuted for the damages they have done,
aboriginals all around the world are winning lawsuits
for millions of dollars accumulating to billions of dollars.
Article example’s from RT:

The recognition of moors northwest amexem
nationals are also recognized by the Vatican
pope Francis calling the rule from Washington being the de facto
and being a pirate state.
Link: The Letter from Vatican – Taj Tarik Bey

Which is noticeable by their strong voice of wanting to be
the strongest and biggest military in the war crimes they are committing internationally, luckily they are not the most advanced
military Russia always being several steps ahead.


Parents must also take extra precautionary measures
to protect their children against forced vaccines: RT: (Insert Article Vaccinations in the UK killing children, as well as horrible illness)

Using th law of the land, which is based on law already having been
established by the aboriginal tribes pre Columbus.
the law of the land overrules the legal law of the corporate united states, international legal law is a corporate law
system of which a natural person cannot be registered nor born into, “Legal Tyranny”

Video: Understanding legalese and your straw man

The moors northwest amexem Nationals,
Are having increased more recognition of their
jurisdiction, In The future, Deserve a seat in the international community, If this is what they are after, which I presume they would, As this would Help The movement and nationals lives in America/ North West Amexem.

With the US hopefully slowly fading in total shame
and total loss of power over their many decades of
war crimes, though not having been established by the European
colonist but by the tribes of northwest amexem having been the first 5 presidents in an attempt to stop the horrible genocide
and war crimes against ets people.

The European colonist now th US have been founded on mas murder,
and have never ever stopped the killing and breaking of international law.

The united states don’t have any form of “Right to exist” US-Washington is a terrorist organization still occupying stolen aboriginal land, being a military threat to all nations on the earth, Anybody  Individual supporting them upholding their big Nazi lies Is helping them commit war crimes as well. Read George Orwell 1984)



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