Congenial Birth Defects, Nato Du And Nuclear Polution, DNA Mod’s And Eugenics Genocide.

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I read stories about how nuclear pollution causes
congenital birth defects, nuclear pollution being genotoxic,
I read this when I was about 14 years old,
I emerged my self into the nuclear topic.

I was often told autism being caused by weak genes in the family.
So I was quite furious and frightened to figure these things out.

Though it is now known and also proven that autism also comes from vaccines, Thus being seen as the more plausible cause, However the probability of genotoxins from nuclear pollution being also an underlying cause of children getting autism, as well as other disorders and chronic illnesses,
cannot simply be excluded, which Nuclear Forms, lobbies, scientists, state-controlled news outlets and other pro-nuclear supports try to force as the medical paradigm over this topic.

Radiology Doktor’s are keen to keep their mouth shut about actual truth info, they are also very aware of the chemotherapy medical fraud, by which they are murdering people while extorting them.

In March 2011, I heard about The Fukushima disaster in Japan. I was extremely perplexed to learn they build nuclear reactors on earthquake fault lines because that’s just a matter of time before another disaster happens,  so they did that on purpose. And this is the standard, these are the role models you’re taught to trust and climb up towards, the career and social ladder nonsense,

I reasoned it’s all a lie the entire paradigm, everybody is going with et and choose to tell the same. So from now on, I’ll rebel against what I’m forced to learn, of what I’m forced to read and forced to understand at when they speak to us. Nothing but pure wrath towards them.

They are so fricking lean and niche towards the destruction of mankind, and every crawling breathing living organism on the planet,  there is something off.

Consider the fallout from Fukushima (etc) to have spread through the
jet streams all across the globe in less than 24 hours.
1 million nuclear particles on a needle, 1 particle can
cause: autoimmune deficiencies, cancers, neurologic diseases, genotoxic diseases that spread into offspring causing childbirth
defects, Just 1 particle.

I had the great expectation of no more healthy offspring by 2016, anywhere on the planet, except maybe the southernmost part of chili and Antartica, but what kind of gues is that the entire planet including the big oceans got roasted in less than 48 hours.

The reactors floated into the ocean, so did all the inventory of Fukushima’s nuclear reactors.
Fish swim, millions upon millions of fish and sea mammals stranded
dead upon beaches of the entire west coast of Canada, north and south America, (documented by dana Dunford and Kevin D blanch)

And as fast as fish swim and migrate half the earth, so do the particle spread in the ocean all around the globe but then at least more than 300 times faster.

Now imagines families with children playing at the beaches, swimming in the sea, getting sick, because they ingest 1 particle, just one tiny fricking particle of which a million fit on the point of a needle.

Now, Juli 2019, Many childbirth defects go unnoticed, probably

Doctors lie to the parents telling them the plausible cause must be what foods they had consumed or drank too often or smoked too much. They in sorrow and shock because of their tragedy, unaware of the blame game happening at a larger scale, diverting as much attention from nuclear man-made isotopes being a plausible cause and/or part of the inherent causes behind people getting terribly ill.

No, it’s the parent’s fault according to those evil doctors, while most parents who have this, aren’t sure whether they could come out talking about a miscarriage in the first place.

I Still think these are everyday miracle’s happening everywhere where mothers bing healthy offspring on the planet. I could have thought this to permanently change any day now, but I so deeply emerged in Faith. I believe trough the power of th most highest all-mighty healthy offsprings are being delivered even against such devastating horrid ods, other than that I have no clue why and how this disaster hasn’t become a massive full-blown epidemic, I can’t stand these officials and medical practitioners talking dog about the facts, they’re wrong.

Take Kevin D blanch as an example having gone trough several deadly cancers of which bone marrow cancer, he is the first to ever survive this and the first to go through the hospital treatment which made et able for him to survive, all while protesting and fighting the horrible disease, following his video log, you can see his health deteriorating and growing back unbelievable.


Then there is This Chinese company that develops gene editing,
That has successfully modified the genes (embrio) and a healthy
the child was born, they say they can alter genes so the offspring
has a high chance of not having diseases such as:
autoimmune diseases, lower risk of developing leukemia, prevent genotoxic related diseases, aids, and chronic diseases.


I suspect the gene editing to be able to prevent almost any of such genotoxin related diseases, or just about any disease and disorder, which is a good thing. As well as enhancements to improve the child’s potential at an incredible rate, deviating from the natural mankind genome path, which is not a good thing if et weren’t out of absolute desperation, why?

Let me explain: What if this gene editing is used to
create a superiority class of people over people who are made to be inferior, The dying less fortunate people targeted as to be victims of genocide. People are being mass murdered on the planet as et is, not including th covert nuclear particles among other toxins and punishing experiments they are performing on mankind, that consist of and affects their every doing and thinking.

They create their 2% superior Nazi class of people, they make 3% burry the other 95% in nuclear Du, while their superiority genes protect them being immune to radiation affecting their every aspect of their health, while the genotoxicity beaten down and plagued down by disease and disaster of the already brutalities daily mundane life existence makes the inferiorly made men perish over the weight they can’t carry no more, like dying of the common cold while seemingly being in the pride of your life just a few hours before, a man of porous internal structure from within falling apart like a house of cards, while the superiority class is too busy helping their offspring doing quantum physics at the age of 5, hoping to colonize and murder the next neighboring planet.

Like how they slaughtered our ancestors everywhere on the planet, a people established on genocide will never stop committing genocide until they themselves are all dead.

The Nuclear disasters which were purposefully brought into existence, as well as the nuclear bomb tests,  DU munitions, nuclear bombs, and other nuclear weapons spreading the man-made nuclear isotope dust’s, yet as well the nuclear waste site facilities that now and then accidentally get blown up during war bringing tons of uranium, plutonium, strontium, Mox fuel waste into the atmosphere spreading hundreds of kilometers into the environment.

Think about et, they say so what this sinks to the bottom and stays at the bottom of… rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, what about the forests, they absorb the isotopes like in Chernobyl where they hope there won’t be a forest fire which would be the fall out disaster from Chernobyl going niche over Europe, Russia, and the middle east all over again because of nuclear plumes coming out from the fire and smoke of those forests.

All the fish and mammals they killed won’t come back, the process of genomes being carried for billions of years is stopped forever, even if they did the Franken horrid.

Now Comming to key aspect finalizing my explanation,

We as a sentient species on the planet repair our DNA trough Rna coming from nature, which only happens when our bodies are in a healthy and natural state, which means the blood and flesh cannot be polluted to achieve this:  “If the blood is polluted The DNA doesn’t receive upgrades from light codes – Dr Phil Valentine

What does this mean? it means we cannot go altering genes of any living thing without serious repurcoutions which is already seen in the massive failure of gene editing food, such as Monsanto and gentec and other incredibly evil and sadistic companies have done, which are among the large war crimes that have been and is being committed and has also been the largest key warning against jumping into eugenics.

What do they truly know about nature reviving and restoring the DNA in living things and the important of this functioning for the continuation of species and all life on earth, every toddler learning biology knows everything on earth is co-dependant on each other yet they want to toy with the smallest building blogs to solve problems which they invented and caused themselves:

In pursuit of knowledge? I squeezed the life out of bugs in a pursuit of knowledge when i was child that’s different from going into countries raping men woman and children beating them, torturing them, spraying nuclear waste on them so the offspring grow terminally weak from genotoxins, raising havoc that people mass migrate flee into refugee camps causing famine than poisoning them with fake humanitarian food aid from Monsanto and leading the sickest and perverted beast Fake terrorist, these  mercenaries NOT Terrorist because they trained them and they funded them and they gave them weapons,  Leading them into those camps to further rape man woman and children causing fear genomes, and further extorting them into crime and sin against their own souls.

They know what they are doing, that’s NOT a pursuit of knowledge that is the pursuit of satanism.

They send their psychiatrist inside those camps, Psychiatry and psychology are the enemies of religion because they refute the existence of the soul.

Now what do we know about Monsanto, they kill the nutritions in the foods they undernourish the people, et doesn’t nourish the people’s soul because it’s no longer natural.

How does the psychiatry label all these disorders and diseases, all non related to the torments and plagues the bible describes, and we know that people with weak aura fields are tormented, and we know that people need the organic foods to heal their aura fields and gene’s trough light codes RNA.

They label everything spiritual as figs of imagination from a physical disease, people committing all sorts of sin everywhere getting sick at the soul and spirit first then mentally and physically and emotionally as well.

How does the artificial gene-edited men who hope to become superior heal from this, we don’t know and neither do they, this is the evil that they reap and will land on their own head the future of their offspring will be a nonstop tormented one, because they don’t have the aura field of the ancient sciences nor the natural genes to protect themselves anymore.

They will grow cold-hearted knowing no love and the world will be cold.

And what about men they are so zealous to inferior rate (or to make inferior) Will they force their gene editing on them like they force the vaccines on children that they take away from parents trying to defend their constitutional internationally-backed and Devinly given rights.

Because they hold the authority with a mass-murdering iron fist breaking international law now who can guaranty our rights when they have already inferiourated our genes and murdered the children that haven’t been born and may never get born.

And that is about the end of explaining everything ye ought to know about them, they are a bunch of satanic worshiping pedophile repulsion of our sentient race, and they ought to be slaughtered and the land be cleansed with their blood like our ancestors did.


(RT: Celebrated doctor Hans Asperger helped Nazis to slaughter autistic children, research claims
Published time: 19 Apr, 2018 14:55

(RT – Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq
Published time: 22 Jul, 2013 13:21

“In cities like Basra and Fallujah, where American and British forces used heavy munitions at the start of the war, it is estimated that over half of all babies conceived after the start of the war were born with heart defects.”

Is these human-looking satanic beast’s
they eat and raping our children and they are sucking
the suffering emotions from people,
sucking the blood out of living infants like vampires
they are evil demons that would burn people alive standing
close to them sucking in the screams of misery like satans parasites they are.

(RT: ‘Rapid descent into sectarian violence’: Video shows Syrian rebel biting into soldier’s heart
Published time: 13 May, 2013 22:29

Make up your own fucking mind.

{[Update 11 november 2019]

10:51 – 11:28
President Assad: “Terrorist cutting heads and one of them eating the heart of a soldier, i mean this is, …. very common to see on the internet”

Video Segment:
7:35 – 12:52

Full lenght of the video: Link to youtube video


(RT: ‘Burn their ovaries out’: Man arrested after calling for Muslim schoolgirls to be sterilized (VIDEO)
Published time: 29 Jan, 2019 16:10

Read From my blog: Mohammid is a pedophile

Read From my blog: Islam Spread by the sword.

Read From my blog: Children Sexually active under the age of 10, child sexual abuse, pedophilia

(RT: Imam who endorsed female genital mutilation faces calls for dismissal from mosque
Published time: 7 Jun, 2017 02:30

(RT: Female genital mutilation can’t be banned at federal level, judge says
Published time: 21 Nov, 2018 05:06

(Reuters: World leaders urged to make female circumcision a priority like HIV BIG STORY – 10JUNE 5, 2019 / 3:57 PM / 2 MONTHS AGO

(Reuters: African survivors of female circumcision call for help with mental trauma
BIG STORY – 10JUNE 18, 2019 / 11:58 AM / A MONTH AGO

(RT: UN wants Australia to stop forced sterilization of disabled, improve treatment of asylum seekers
Published time: 10 Nov, 2015 15:01

(RT: Sweden to compensate transgender people for 40-year sterilization policy
Published time: 24 Mar, 2018 17:13

(RT: ‘I will suffer until the end of my life’: Japan’s forced sterilization victims speak to RT
Published time: 22 Feb, 2018 04:10

(RT – Video: Japanese victims of forced sterilization file more lawsuits over inhumane eugenics law
Published time: 18 May, 2018 01:38

(RT: Japanese court refuses to compensate victims of forced sterilization due to statute of limitations
Published time: 29 May, 2019 02:01

(RT: Shamed Toby Young ‘attended secret eugenics conference with neo-nazis and pedophiles’
Published time: 11 Jan, 2018 13:58



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