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My name is Gusti Massaquoi
I’m 24 years old, born on 13th of June 1986 Ethiopian Calander (20 June 1995 Gregorian Calander), Born in Rotterdam – South Holland – Netherlands.

I Think, helping people, performing works is rewarding and I’m willing to do so, In my free time I read allot, I write sometimes, working on future blog content.


My Life Objectives are:

Maintaining Health And Great Philosophia
(Yearning and loving to learn): I want to read over 1 million pages in my life, approximately 3800 Books.


My blog: http://tobhyas.com
You can follow me on twitter: @gustimassaquoi &@tobhyas

News Articles, Pholymology, & blog articles Online Portfolio:
400 & 200+ Articles (and counting) from 31 august 2018 – Present

gustimassaquoi – https://www.allmytweets.net/

tobhyas – https://www.allmytweets.net/

My Discipline Fields Of Interests are:
Pholymology (History) , Religion -CEPHER – Holy Amharic Bible, Philosophia,  , Etymology, World News: RT-News and Reuters, Healthy Life sciences (Hormesis, Autophagy/ketosis, Meditation), Music Instruments: Guitar, Russian Orthodox Christian Religion, Among Other Further Edifications.

My Field of study has been: Seo and Some Programming Languages,
I feel niche towards the (Traveling) Freelance Nomade Lifestyle
opportunities and building my competence thereupon.

Languages I have Mastered Fluently: Dutch (Being my mother tongue) and English Which I grew to learn since the age of 6.
I also orientated on Russian Knowing little basic and Cyrillic alphabet, Spanish and german.

Hobbies: Scifi (utopic, Deso-topic, Exo Political, and technologic Sketches) Stimulate a great curiosity in me.
My ideal day off is: Going to a book store and
reading a book to my liking somewhere
at a scenic nature location, or a fancy terrace.
Staying aware on developing technologies and pondering on
geopolitical opinion forming for remedies is among my interests,
although being mediocre in influence, i hope to become influential later on in life having a portfolio of many books,
knowledge disciplines, networks, and capital to be part of change.

About my blog:

I write my blog purposefully in what might seem as strange grammar,
refraining from a few words, or misspelling them on purpose:
(i) ET, Th(e), etc

This is because the pronunciation of the words is evil this word is synonymous for “the beast” , especially in English.
As well as some words of which the right definition is widely misunderstood such as the word “nice” which means fool according to etymology dictionary Link: https://www.etymonline.com/word/Nice#etymonline_v_54467

As well as words like black which is a curse and a US law code for slave

Or nigger which is a word that was spun by a 33-degree freemason agent to further oppress indoctrinate aboriginals who heavily used the word: Naga which comes from the word negus which is a chanting word which spiritually uplifts, like among other words that are chanted such as mazarem (spelled correctly?)
The word nigger is widely known to be insulting incent against so-called black people the term black people also being an insult because the use of this term also is a “failure to address a great peoples nationality, an act of genocide, and legalese us law code term: “slave”

I’m not telling anyone to buy to books from the links I share in my blog or buy from any link I share in my blog.


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