The Genocide On Moors In Spain

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The Spanish genocide committed against
berber Hebrew Israelites and moors.

A history kept withheld from the public.

It was widespread believed that the moors age of Spain
was founded by Islamic Moorish Arabs coming from Arabia.

while this was in fact, not true.

in 711 ad It was the Berber armies from kush that moved into Iberia
now known as Spain, that brought forth the knowledge and culture of this enlightening age.

in 732 ad battle of tours, Arabs mixed with the Berbers and stayed in power till around 1492
when they was overthrown by western goth.

At that time they where slaughtering man woman and child
in 1498 moors where finally defeated in Spain.
Forcing the remainder to convert to Christianity
many fled when they did get the chance.
and in 1592 they got kicked out of Spain.

Prior to 633 Arabia was much inhabited by Hebrew Israelite moors.

During the Muslim conquest of Persia from 633 to 654
Muslims armies invaded and defeated Persians
conquering Hebrew Israelites, moving across northern Africa into the Moroccan empire.

Read: Islam was Spread By The Sword Islam:
Islam has a history of nothing but slavery and slaughter to the….

They slaughtered, raped and enslaved anyone
that didn’t convert into their religion.

True Hebrew Israelites who kept the faith choose to die, many moors decided to join forces.

They were defeated and the cultural traits got mixed,
Because of this the moors cultural traits is often misrecognized to be Islamic in origin coming from Arabia.
While in fact, coming from Berber Hebrew Israelites Kushite moors coming from west Africa (kush)


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