A Working manual to help th situation your in, help fix yourself, closer to Yah th almighty divine creatrix

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What troubles you?
You are experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, (feeling down)
sleep lessness, Nightmares, Loneliness, Negative thoughts, schizophrenia, perhaps relationship problems or an eating disorder or whatever else.

I wrote this article while helping many people on 7cups.com (an online platform where people can share their stories to listeners)

This article is especially true if you can’t (for whatever reason) share your story with anyone and need something, anything to unburden from stress.

I hope this article will help YOU:

Here is how to unburden your self:

Feelings are in th cells of your body and sent incentive signals to th brain, which can make et harder for you, to empower your self,
If th cells are emotionally toxic, especially th deeper fat cells,
then those emotions in those cells send stress signals.

If you had trauma then th stress from these trauma’s remain in those cells.  (you may find a read about compartmentalized personality disorder interesting.)

Get rid of those unhealthy cells, read something about:
– autophagy
– fasting
– cleansing
Transform negative emotional cells in healthy happy emotion cells.

Pray to yah, love yah, be love and love yourself.
Pray often trough out th day in private,
Read th et cepher/bible 1 page a day morning and before sleep.
read daily, get one here for on your phone for free. 
ask for mercy
ask for vengeance to those who did you wrong.
Be zealous in working and reading.
Love and learn to let go.


Don’t do drugs, don’t drink alcohol, Eat only life enzymes from organic fruits,
drink a lot of freshly squeezed lemon in water.
tell that jar with lemon you love th water and drink et.

th water transforms and glides down trough your body transforming th water in your self to love your self.

Now be zealous in refraining from sin,
know and not assume your faith by law knowing law:
Having every word written in th et cepher/bible installed in
your mind, like a program, you don’t leave a program half-installed hanging at 60% into your computer. (your mind)

Burn those demons praying with a loud voice.

To Ward-off the Evil Eye

burn those demons reading your et cepher/bible with th thoughts while you read, and be happy and grateful to Yah.

YOU, Are NOT your thoughts:

Sit still, breath and focus on you breathing, ignore all motives for thinking, ignore all thoughts, notice how forcefull they are, they, not yours, et seems like they yours, they not.

YOU are NOT your thoughts!


Fight back!

Love yourself!

psalm 41: 1 “blessed is he that considers the poor: YAHUAH will deliver him in the day of evil.

I’m Doing better helping others today.

Furthermore, Reading helps,  Philosophia :



Good luck!

May Yah Bliss you on your path.

In love and light!




Also read from my other blog pages:

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