Coping With Loneliness, While Bettering yourself

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I wrote this article while helping many people on (an online platform where people can share their stories to listeners)

Also read from my blog: A Working manual to help th situation your in, help fix yourself, closer to Yah th almighty divine creatrix

If your socio phobic or perhaps living a hermit kind of lifestyle not being outdoor often, other than for work or school.

Try leaving th house more often go to bookstore/ library, 
I’d suggest pomology, war crime books.
Take time off from electronics reading more books.
Buy a book to your liking, Sit at a coffee bar and read books.

While you are surrounded by people, you get subconsciously inspired
by other people without making direct contact,
This removes stagnations in your life, which you would be unable to find digitally.

That is why ets important to be around people now and then, although making verbal contact is absolutely not necessary if you feel unmotivated or uncomfortable doing so, for whatever reason.

This is extremely important to further develop your self and can take away incentives of loneliness on th go.
Through prayer and zealous et cepher/bible reading, you heal,
of which you get phylosopia (love for attaining new knowledge back)
And your eyes heal, and dark thoughts will dissipate, enjoying your life trough child-like eyes, marveling at what you set your eye’s on again.

Being proud of achievements and knowledge you attain will thus also come back again, Thus also your self-esteem, unburdening your self from loneliness.

You can get a et cepher/bible on your phone here for free:

Further move you can meditate keeping your index finger and thumb together, focusing on your breathing, being even in counts as you breathe in and out, increasing your biomagnetic energy from prana in th air you breathe in.

Retain your Noble liquids, refraining from sin,
read something about Mantak chia here:

Drink lemon juice (squeeze out an organic lemon), every day,  preferably in th morning.



Eat healthy, Read about this in my other blog page here:

Healing from eating disorder, easy and euphoric part 1


When you love your self,
and you love yah,
be love,
and love will naturally attract to you.

I hope this helps you coping with loneliness.

Good luck!



In love and light.



Also, read from my other Blog pages:




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