Genocide On Natives & Aboriginals, Ancestry

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Slavery and slaughter of the Kushites I:

1) Genocide and Atrocities committed by Belgian colonist lead by Belgian King Leopold II

One of the worst war criminals in history who is responsible for the enslavement, rape, and slaughter of the Kushite aboriginal inhabitants of the now called Congo….

A history kept withheld from the public. widespread believed that moors of Spain were Muslims of Arabic descent. while this was in fact, not true…

3) Islam Spread By The Sword

Islam has a history of nothing but slavery and slaughter to the…

4) Islamic religion founded upon slavery, child pedophilia and child sacrifice

Islam is a religion of confusion with controversial commands in the Koran but ultimately founded upon evil filth. Started by a pedophile named Mohamed which formed the death cult which has been spread by the sword across the nations, and today still is…

5) Moors North West Amexem, American aboriginals, Taking back the lands lawsuits being won 

These by European colonist established nations stole our ancestor’s lands everywhere taking it by brute force, Committing genocide, horrid war crimes:
“They didn’t fight fair, at all, they went after the children and woman first, raping and torturing them, holding men down by force making them watch” – Dr Yafa bey

The tribes of northwest amexem, America
came together to sign the treaties which later formed the US government, the first 5 presidents of America being aboriginal tribesmen which the US Later had covered up ….

What they did to use in the past.

                         What they’re still doing.

                                                        What they might do in the future.

                                             Can you comprehend?





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