Healing from eating disorder, easy and euphoric part 2

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I’m very excited to help you with your eating disorder and would like to take my time to help you edify yourself on health sciences up to th point where your eating disorder transforms into a very pleasant and easy I love to eat healthily and improve my life in every way, Eay

easy, because this is supposed to be easy and you will find this,
very, very amusingly easy, and euphoric to your senses.

Especially now, here at step 4:

Finally, here you are, you have indulged in th healthy organic foods,

You are ready and willing to take this a step further,

We are going to detoxify even further on step 4 trough lots of life enzymes, here at step 4, we are going to drink a lot of fruit smoothies, no dairy, nothing but fruits and vegetables, blend in a blender I recommend Bullit magic blender for easy of use. 

Although glutney is sin and I do not recommend you to sin,  go ahead and indulge in a liter of fruit juice a day. this will also aid in healing your aura field.

You can blend in some raw vegetables to your liking, make sure all th(e) fruits are whole and not from can or from a pack of juice but fresh organic and juicy. Hmmm.

You probably find this difficult on your first try don’t worry your flushing away parasites in your body and mucus in your intestines that are blocking nutrition intake, they are gradually cleansed out of your body and take several cleansing attempts to remove completely however after 3 days of juicing, and you may add raw nuts like cashew nuts, almonds, etc, to an increase of up to 7 days.

there will be so much healing and so many health improvements, removing toxins and mucus, you are now absorbing allot more nutrition from foods and i must warn you, your cravings will deceive you to overeat after this cleans and you will notice that th first day you are unable to eat as much as before atleast 60% up to 95% less, as you gradually get used to eating normally i recommend you start out with soup.

I also recommend that you take 14 days to break before you start another juice detox cleanse, but on every try, this food restriction and juice detox cleansing will go much easier.

step 5: At this point, it’s okay to work out as much as you please, th more muscle you can get th more you burn th more you can eat, as well as th toxins you sweat out cleansing your self even further, you’re enjoying your body normal again and this enjoyment heals th emotions in your cells.

Step 6: Cut out all dairy, if you haven’t done this yet, alternatives to cheese and milk are there, things such as rice milk in your coffee helps significantly, dairy creates mucus, and negative emotions from th animals makes you emotionally sick, beknownst or unbeknownst to you, people who grow and/or maintain to be very sensitive know. I recommend not having th substitute cheeses, because they tend to draw you away from eating more life enzymes.

step 7: This is where you look back on where you started th most, you feeling younger and your proud of what you have achieved, can you go further… he he he yes, yes you definitely can go further 🙂 , let me introduce you to cyclic intermitted fasting, water fasting and dry fasting.

Read also from my other blog page: My Fasting And Cleansing Experiences 

Dry fasting whut? how is this possible I thought people can’t go for 24 hours without water? YES!!!! If you’re unhealthy like before step 1, however now things are different, yet your not completely there yet, try water fasting first as you are probably thinking, “we’ll I’ll pas dry fasting I will never try this like him, that can’t be good for you, but I’ll try water fasting and cyclic fasting”

I’m not going to lie, th water fasting is difficult, and comes with a lot of controversy around this topic, here is th deal:

th way to get used to water fasting is combining this with honey, sometimes excessive amounts of honey which in health science terms don’t really make this a fast but a hybrid cleans fast, because th body activates functionalities for fasting that comes with food restrictions at a: approximately 80-120 calories restriction which is about 1 and a half thee spoons of honey and a lemon.

however as you are on day five of a water fast having 1 thee spoon of honey and a lemon a day, and you cant endure more but, you want to push a few more days to break record for hormesis purposes, you can have a few more thee spoons of honey entering hybrid cleans/fasting:  You will train your self trough hormesis to endure your fast longer and longer.

step 8 is easier, you try eating only once a day, one meal a day, cyclic intermittent fasting. you can also do a 3 days of water fasting a month to cleans out th organs in your body, which th body does zealously does after 24-48 hours or more have passed, watch vegan strong man who explains how your body produces its own proteins, and with caloric restriction and cyclic fasting creates more and uses less with high potent efficiency for your muscles and organs.



Also Watch: RT: Fasting away diabesity? Jason Fung, nephrologist and best-selling author

Now I’d say if you can do hybrid cleans fasting for 10-20 days while cycling, walking and doing mandane things with mutch out of breath efforts but not passing out. you’re ready for step 9

step 9 is really th beautiful experience in my eye this is where you want to get, which is dry fasting, yes, no water for a few hours and no food, you can start out with intermitted dry fasting, and after that 36 hours of dry fasting.  you need to be careful that you pray often as this is necessary not to damage your body beyond th “official 24 hours without water is deadly” Which i stand behind for people who are not mentally and physically prepared and lack th knowledge and experience to jump into dry fasting.

I differentiate fasting from starving as starving is not willingly and fasting is.

During dryfasting, you enter into a state of ketosis and autophagy, you create 1 Liter of water a day from burning fat from th cells that are being carefully selected by the body to incinerate, detoxing at a cellular level that is difficult or even impossible to achieve without dry fasting, which I firmly believe is supposed to be a normal and mundane health practice for men, there are just so much incredible health improvements and complete health reset attributes to this practice, mentally, physically and emotionally and for th soul, th body produces and uses even stemcells during dry fasting which can significantly heal your organs.

as you might have noticed from water fasting, your mental clarity improves significantly, but during dry fasting is even more potent and rich in clarity of thoughts, breaking a dry fast is a very emotional thing to experience because you notice a constant feel of euphory quickly leaving th body which, in my own experience I would be able to experience in any other way, i would describe this as a soft saddening feeling, but will quickly withdraw as you do have cravings for foods, Hmmmm Mango 🙂

Love your self, enjoy your healthy consumption regiments or fasting, be well, “be like water”

In love and light.

Good luck!

Also read from my other blog pages:

Healing Blog

War Crimes Blog


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