Healing th(e) brain, Neuroplasticity, Healing yourself

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Neuroplasticity during dry fasting: Stam cells regenerating nerves and neurons during autophagy.

Of course, this must be done while cultivating your vital energies and chastisement, read Works from Mantak chia:




If you’ve read my other blog pages:

A Working manual to help th situation your in, help fix yourself, closer to Yah th almighty divine creatrix

Healing from eating disorder, easy and euphoric part 1

Healing from eating disorder, easy and euphoric part 2

My Fasting And Cleansing Experiences 

Then you know that during dry fasting you heal cells and incinerate cells trough autophagy and ketosis.
Thanks to hormesis and fasting practice this becomes more efficient and you’ll become more able to endure th fast.

If you read books all day combined with right brain creative activity you can simulate neuroplasticity, rewiring neurons in th brain, healing your brain cells, thus increasing mental health: clarity of mind and easier remembrance trough th midbrain, Better absorption, and processing of information from th conscious to th subconsious, increased awareness in conjunction with feelings sensitivity awareness, mind-expanding.

Declogging proteins in th brain trough natural harmonious sounds
such as shumans resonance prevents and heals the symptomes of dementia.

Your body is able to regenerate and advance so much more than you think.

Meditating helps you further activate.
Breath even counts in and out, focus on your heartbeat and breathing.
Sit against a tree with your head pressed tight against th bark of th tree.
Use ferrite magnets, copper and Himalayan salt, prayer, and chants.
Also read: (from my blog)

R.N.A from th(e) environment helps to heal your D.N.A

Healing from earth vibrations, prana, and brain waves during meditation, as well as healthy organic life enzymes:
Healing emotions in your cells, healing th water stored in your body, more alkaline, and emotionally well.

I hope this inspires you.

Be well, love yourself, love yah, love others, love your children, be love.

In love and light

Good luck!






Also, read from my blog:

Healing Blog

War Crimes Blog

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