Islam Founded Upon Slavery, Child Pedophilia And Child Sacrifice

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Islam is a religion of confusion with controversial
commands in the Koran, but ultimately founded upon
evil filth.
Started by a pedophile named Mohamed
which formed the death cult which has been spread by the sword across the nations, and today still is.

The worshipping and praising of ALLAH the Arabian moon god known as BAAL, HUBAL, and MOLECH, is really founded upon a Cult of Human Sacrifice and Moloch worship which is satanic in essence where they would blood sacrifice human babies and have sex with them.

The one and only true name of the divine creator is Yahuah and the Messiah Yahshua hammashiac
in which the holy Torah states such practices are a
abomination and against the holy law commandments.

In “Zad al-Ma’ad” he names the slaves he owned “These are the names of Muhammad’s male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, ‘Ubayd, Dhakwan,” … etc
“The female slaves are Salma Um Rafi’, Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib,” …etc
Source – Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in “Zad al-Ma’ad” (Part I, p. 160) and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: “Zad al-Ma’ad” (his book) (Volume One, p. 116)

Verse 36 and According sharia law.

Islam permits the beating and rape of a woman as slaves in the books it promotes sexual brutalization of a woman.
Sex slavery is completely allowed in the Islam and condones it.
as a woman according to the koran, you have no rights and you have no voice.

Koran 4 verse 3 says: “marry a woman of your choice 2 or 3 or 4 but if ye fear that they shall not be
able to do justly for you then only one or a captive (slave) that your right hand possesses will be
more suitable from being prevent full from doing you justly.” (Mohsin Khan)

It means the Islam allows you to take a female slave for you possession and do with whatever you like.

According to Mohamed, the punishment for committing of adultery is different with a free woman than with a slave
“The man must be flogged 100 stripes, the free woman must be stoned to death, the slave woman however
flogged 100 stripes and if repeated is to be sold.”

Now generally in the western world like western Europe, woman rights is allotted more respected compared to the rest of the world.
And many Muslim women from these countries choose to ignore these facts about the foundation of the Islam religion,
They have various reasons:
1) They where ill-informed and thaught as such from an early age, translation are similar but not all the same
An example such as the word “captive” (meaning slave) is left out  Koran 4 verse 3.
2) they are ignorant to the facts because they have not read their koran either know the true foundation.
3) Firmly believe in a renewal and improvement of the koran, ignoring that the foundation remains founded on
pedophilia, child ritual sacrifice, and slavery.
4) Remain cognitive dissonant out of fear because of revenge by family members and locals of their communities
and therefore choose to practice the religion to keep their family relations intact, as peacekeepers, in which many cases
prevent family drama that would result in murder, rape, being held hostage and suicide. which news outlets mutch takes a blind eye to
out of political strife for multiculturalism even though there are campaigns against religious extremism. (nonexclusive to just Islam)

If Islam, however, was actually enforced as it was written in the western countries or any other country for that matter, they
would not want to be part of or have anything to do with Islam.
Not to mention that the actual practice according to the foundation of the Islam is against European laws, many national laws of several different nations,
international UN treaties.
Aswel as the 10 commandments of the bible and the holy torah which rebukes and condemns such practices of the Islam.

Islam has been very much involved in buying and selling of slaves which where Hebrew Israelites Kushite peoples
so-called black slaves referring to them as razinheads.
which they brutalized, tortured, and raped in name of their Allah.

“chapter 36:8  Mohsin Khan: Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins so that their heads are forced up.”
“chapter 36:9  Mohsin Khan: And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up so that they cannot see.”
“Chapter 36:10 Mohsin Khan: It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
(as a side note this means: there is no talking sense into them so don’t bother trying to convert the slaves,
just punish them severely … nonstop till they die)

The Arabs in west kush engaged for nearly a millennium
in the enslavement of the Kushites and Hebrew Israelites on a grand scale before the Europeans even started exporting them.

the Arabic word for black, abeed is synonymous with slave this is because so-called blacks became synonymous as slaves to the Arabs.
Islam looks down on blacks, and woman in general.
The Muslim people of Arabia use girls, children as insults.

The koran says
Verse 16:59
“Sahih International: He hides himself from the people because of the ill of which he has been informed. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the ground? Unquestionably, evil is what they decide.”

Verse 16:58
“because of a girl baby that was born so he keeps it in humiliation or buries it in the ground.”
(litteraly burying them alive.)

Woman and girls are still subjects of embarrassments in Islam.

You can still find babies corpses in dumpsters and backyards in the middle east.
1 in 10 man got found of this crime, even mothers participated in this crime
where they handed over their child for burial.
And these practices still continue today.
(female facticide..)

Mohamet was a slavor, he kept his female slaves as
concubines. he was a pedophile, he stuck his finger
in a six-year-old girl and later stuck his penis in her when she was nine and things like this.

“I’m just saying Exodus, Ch. 20:4, 5. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on Th earth beneath or in Th water under Th earth (Islam adopted the second part of this commandment literally!).”
-Da13thsun quote from his twitter

“Thou Shalt not make unto thee any graven
image… thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.” Exodus 20:4-6

the true name of the devine creator is yahuah
and the messiah yashuah hamashiach

Tazadaq Shah ra
Moors and Blacks Calling Themselves Muslims Should Be Ashamed Unmasking Moor lies and of Dirty Islam

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