Non Transparant Vaccinations are killing children, And causing illnesses, Mutch controversy around th subject.

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First and foremost I differentiate Harmfull vaccinations from th other vaccinations, as vaccination givers refuse transparency on th(e) complete content of th vaccinations trough 3rd party independent researchers.

(RT: ‘I will never get over feeling I killed my son’: Anti-vaccination activists refuse to be ‘silenced’
Published time: 17 Mar, 2019 11:26

Mothers Unaware of the serious risk, find out too late
when their babies die one week after vaccination,
or when they grow up sick with chronic illnesses,
such as autism… (Although during recent months mutch controversy has risen about th truth on whether vaccinations causing autism or less than thought, or not even at all. )

(RT: Toxic reaction: Anti-vaxxers may be wrong, but Facebook censoring people for being wrong is worse
Published time: 6 Mar, 2019 17:09

Obviously, parents should not let their children be vaccinated if they have not received a list of content of th vaccination, aswel as research results on th vaccination by independent researchers. Obviously, Th remedy lies within th transparency of what is in th vaccination by 3rd party independent researchers, obviously when th government or medical agency refuses to give a complete transparency on th content of th vaccinations, and refuses to allow a 3rd party independent researcher, study th vaccination,  then continues forcing vaccinations, then there is a clear issue, not a trust issue which they might say indignantly, but a juridically incorrect procedure by medical workers, doctors, in which they break their sworn oat.

In no way is any parent obligated by law to consent to give their child a vaccination solely based on trust in government,
government agencies accusing them of being anti-government because of such or breaking th law is a lie and a form of legal tyranny, and great misuse of power against th people, breaking human rights laws.

These vaccinations are usually forced on parents in “force majeure” Trough  Legal tyrany, Corruption, blackmailing and excessive Police violence.

Vaccinations are forced upon children, Government threatening to take th children away from parents, many times without warning,
Police barge into family homes, For example In US in a draconian
Martial Law and military fashion.
Committing Police brutality and breaking human right laws.

Governments also prohibit children from attending school if they are not vaccinated, aswel as forcing vaccinations on children without th parental consent.

(RT: ‘No vaccine, no school’: Italy starts punishing parents who refuse to immunize their kids
Published time: 12 Mar, 2019 18:34

Anti Vaccine groups vary:

Aboriginals and natives with their own nationality who have under international law th full right to deny any vaccine, school or medical doctrine being imposed to their children, standing dejour in full right to discontent to them.
(Not being an anti-vaccine group, and agencies failing to properly address this)

Anti-vaccine groups that oppose to all vaccinations being forced to their people under their religion, having religious rights internationally recognized and protected, which federal government tries to overrule as a treat to society which clashes with international law.

Anti-vaccine groups that oppose to all vaccinations being produced and forced upon all people, regardless of whether they are in th know about th harm of vaccinations or not and try to dominate th(e) th topic of whether vaccinations are harmful or not, not properly addressing which vaccinations and by which companies they are produced, which his counterproductive, and opening up doors to psyops agents, destroying th integrity of th movement from within.

Psyops counter opposition trough agency funded controlled opposition, being injected into society is a Modern standard.
White Helmets in Syria and “crisis actors for example.

I’m mentioning Psyops agencies having their finger in th pro and Anti Vaccination resistance groups because Just a few years ago independent researchers where swearing vaccinations cause autism, headlines like Vaccination has been proven to cause autism.

Which I found strange but believed because of lack in vaccination transparency of th(e) content, with complete disregard towards th parents and th(e) child due to denying th right to demand this, and as such disregarding th juridically correct procedures and Doctors oat every Doctor is mandated to give.

(RT: Vaccines don’t cause autism, complications extremely rare – study
Published time: 2 Jul, 2014 23:13

I had firmly believed that vaccinations cause autism and other chronic illnesses and disorders, However, Vaccinations being th cause is also greatly overshadowing th underlying causes such as nuclear pollution, genotoxins: which in great lengths would also cause autism in millions being exposed
to small amounts of nuclear man-made particles.
Which medical workers and military officials zealously and repeatedly refuted.

If those vaccines where not injected in billions of peoples, millions of people would still have chronic illnesses because of nuclear pollution, however, many babies and toddlers wouldn’t have to die because of those harmful vaccinations.

I despise th(e) university professors and medical workers, refuting these obvious facts due to th overruling medical paradigma that is based on government funding, pharmaceutical profit, Medical extortion of Sick people such as chemotherapy scam (A true last resort method that does kill most times unnecessarily at th end because of denial of alternative healing methods in th medical societies, while they extort allot of money during th treatment of th patient), Nuclear cartels military funding of creating nuclear weapons from nuclear waste such as NATO DU munition.

And because of th large cover-up and hiding of facts on TH health risks caused by Nuclear Contamination post-fukushima by State news stations as well as corrupt University professors and government agency hired corrupt independent researchers, I find this spin on Vaccines being harmless and not causing autism a very convenient story for th nuclear cartels having used another scapegoat to avoid attention being drawn to them.

Th Impact of th Nuclear disaster and cover-up have been perfectly well documented by independent researchers such as Dana Dunford and Kevin D Blanch.

(RT: Nasty & devious’ anti-vaccination billboard sparks outrage in Australia
Published time: 15 Jun, 2018 14:22

(RT: Italian politician who opposed mandatory chickenpox vaccine gets chickenpox
Published time: 20 Mar, 2019 04:19

(RT: Rising vaccination mistrust worldwide is undermining fight against deadly diseases – research
Published time: 19 Jun, 2019 10:32

(RT: New Zealand minister calls ‘ridiculous’ anti-vaxx parents ‘pro-plague’
Published time: 8 May, 2019 15:21

(RT: Pakistan calls on Facebook to block anti-vax propaganda amid ‘mass hysteria,’ spate of gun attacks
Published time: 7 May, 2019 11:48

(RT: CIA barred from using vaccinations as cover after dozens of doctors killed
Published time: 20 May, 2014 16:01

(RT: US judge rejects parents’ challenge to NYC mandatory measles vaccine order
Published time: 18 Apr, 2019 23:30

(RT: Russia registers its first domestically-produced 5-in-1 vaccine
Published time: 18 Apr, 2019 15:59

(RT: Crusade against anti-vaxxers: Russian Health ministry & consumer rights watchdog lead the charge
Published time: 7 Apr, 2019 03:09

(RT: Indian schools prevent child vaccinations because of anti-vaccine rumors spreading on social media
Published time: 16 Apr, 2019 02:46

(RT: Discriminatory censorship? GoFundMe bans anti-vaccine crowdfunding
Published time: 17 Apr, 2019 04:42

(RT: Canadian province probes why it funded ‘anti-vaccination group’ for over a decade
Published time: 29 Mar, 2019 11:21

(RT: Toxic reaction: Anti-vaxxers may be wrong, but Facebook censoring people for being wrong is worse
Published time: 6 Mar, 2019 17:09

(RT: Muslim parents withdraw flu ‘super-spreader’ kids from ‘non-halal’ vaccine program
Published time: 29 Jul, 2019 12:18

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