Posession Self Recognize Manual

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– Posession Self Recognize Manual

(A person eating meats cannot self recognize possesion until cleansing)

The parasite
acts upon all incoming thoughts, to be his “role”
and playes upon them, to take over your “role”

creeping further into your mind, pushing, pulling,
adding weigth and burdon onto your capacity to self identify
your thoughts, imaginations, emotions, and all intentions and motives behind thinking anything.

Overtime the parasite bends and changes the incoming thoughts, by manipulating the feelings (what happens before the thought forming is identified by the host)

Aswel ass induce imaginative things and made up feelings, then adding motives for thought suggestions trough the proces of forming thoughts, which is perceived by th host as to be completely theirs, becouse the parasites plays upon all your thoughts, and calls all of them out before you call your thoughts out in thought.

Your thought voice is pushed down, drowning, falling to sleep.

The thing is, you agree not to recognize the parasite:
1) this is what i feel and remember and create a thought/opinion upon (Not yet observed by the individual)

2) Parasite: No this you cant remember: “revoked”, This is how you don’t feel “revoked”, this is what you do feel “induced” this is the image you attached this feeling to “induced” > Show image to the (sub)concious mind of the individual.

3) Proces of thought taking form, and being altered,
new image, attached to a new feeling.
parasite: do you agree , host: “yes i agree becouse i don’t know better” “and i can’t perceive better”)

4) Host thinks a opinion: Sentence (not yet observed by the host)
Parasite: Changes a word quick

5) Host: receives incomming thought as his and only altered during thought formation by himself (without remebering why)

6) Host: adopts the thought as his own and puts the thought into action.

So the thought forming proces happens from the mind body, that is happening in a time dimension, seconds away from the time dimension of the physical.
The faster emotions run trough the mind body the more forsight concious can be achieved, forseing further of whats being processed in this mind body time dimension:

Higher beings see the thouht forming thing at a mutch further away forseight scale than these parasites, among other entities.
a human being that has his mind processing feelings slower cannot achieve the same forseight as a (hu)man mind that processes feelings faster, thinking faster and having a broader consious capacity with forseight, observing these tricks those parasites are doing.

For instance, when a man on his bike rings his bell, before this event happens, a energy runs backwars into the bell and then the bell is ringed. similarly is with bodies ariving or sea ships farig.

Those parasites, working together to achieve this thinking and behaving deception.
best method to take back power is to paralyze the parasites.
and train your self refusing to adopt any thought or image or imagination or feeling whatsover as your own, and keep skepticism as i primary tactic on everything.

This also goes for halicunations, seeing ghosts whatsoever,
the parasites are able to overlay imaginations, audio and visual, onto what you see in the phsyical world.

Everybody is possesed by these parasites, even babies just a year old.

So what the body is doing to fight back is using positive and natural thoughts to opose them evil thoughts (images).
and create heat in the body to paralize them (auric field, life energy).

Angelic spirits, positive natural spirits, souls, fight back by ocupying the individuals:
1) Projecting a simulatanuously casted Positive images at difrent levels of the many difrent concousnes. 2) Form the imagination themselves based upon the intentions you have to imagine 3)Push the nerf signals for moving the body based upon the intentions the individual has oposing the beast/parasites that try to manipulate the body into sertain movements (full posesion) 4) paralize these parasites with soul heat, positioning in the gut of individual, leaving a frament of them selves behind (they split themselves helping thousands of people while maintaining form themselves doing difrent tasks. (Most people can’t do anything them selves, they are double posssesd even while they wipe their ass on the toiled their are being held.)

Demons that enter into the phsysical body, project imaginations to confuse the host, also try to sqeeze onto the organs of the host, increasing breathing dificulty, and dificultry swallowing.

Further ways to fight back:

Eat everything natural: What you see, what you drink, what you consume, what you hear, what you pay your mind to.– Mind what you agree to.
– Mind what you put to mind: the milions of images that are running in your mind need to increase natural harmonious images and decrease disharmonious images.all images projected trough a screen is fake light, thus contaminated.

Surround your self with objects that are clean:
objects that are poisoned, with negative emotion, negative thought intentions/imaginations are toxic truth and stimulate parasites: 1) this can be a shair you sit in whome previously had been used by a fat man whome eats allot of meats, and holds hate full thoughts all day.
2) Filth in the house, “Clean up”

Key to succes is to recognize that all thoughts, imaginations, feelings, etc your having are being controlled by a controller:
this is either a holy spirit/soul, an angel relative or a demon parasite.
Your self does not exist as you think. neither are you your thoughts.
best identify yourself with the right choices you made.

Multi task thinking or mutli task imagining.

(multi task remote vieuwing, multi task speaking trough various avatars, multi task complex writing, behaving and making movements trough various avatars.)

Observe a thought being formed that tries to overley what your already think while reading a book, invading thought most times related to an entertainment, trying to ignore them and shake them off not adapting them (theyr not mine)
observe them as a “multi task thinking” an alien thought (your receptors would feel as your own, but are not)
they string into a series of thoughts with a clever conclusion that is timed to a momentum in your live:

people speaking the same subject,
or an object that you come acros,
or a song on the radio. (coincedence?, no.)
(demon gang stalking, creating scenes, playing theatre)

Bullying and intimidating calling out forsigt, knowing what will happen, no matter what you chose.

having thought about this, becouse this makes you feel dis enpowered and mind fucked beyond your fking imaginations.

I figured the whole physical experience is an outcome set inmotion by desisions you make in anoter plane or field of experiencing things that is set in advance in time,
so everything that happens here is not becouse of active real time choice, the choice and thoughts you make here is perceived to be yours and in the moment however, they are not.
all is already set in momention advance in time and can be twisted turend and changed while unfolding.

They manipulate this natural proces, becouse you as an energetic being are vampired on allot, these seemingly supernatural abilities are underclocked, turned of, or running so far in the background of your mind that you are not aware of them however they criple you in your daily doings, like day dreaming or having a “super focus” yada yada yada.

moreover, i noticed that what you look at and have afiliation to creates future events. you are manipulated to walk into thinks, people, stare at certain things, to create events,
walking into these things is initiated with images that activate deep inside your mind, they can be induced artificialy to make you go somewhere and do something organicly. and in turn create an event organicly, without mind controling, forcing someone creating an event, something of significanse over non organic manipulating someone into doing something.

Mutch of the attention is lost on observing subliminal so called paranormal, whats within: possesion your other avatars within and torment, and whats happening outside.
and the parasites hold your thoughts and block remembrance, like trouble comming up with words and sentences: afasion.
or like a day sleep ilness, in which you make a move or do something quick but forget while you quickly wake up remembering only that you dose of just a second ago.

When you talk to a stranger or someone you know,
you talk primarily to his subconcious mind, saying the right words to bring out the acquaintance or stranger you want to talk to, which you perceive to be his avatar but is not his phsyical body. (acquaintance synonimous with knowledge).

Failure to speak the right words to a acquaintance and bring out the right feelings that overpower and paralize parasite’s
overpresses the acquaintance you try to reach inside of the avatar, if the person is not right and the conversation does not hold anything of significants bringing out truth no angelic being interfears either so your speaking to a devil opressed and overrulled by parasitic demons, whome talk in his stead by manipulating his/her thoughts. Parasites alter dna.




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