Protect your self against evil spirits, dark energies, nightmares, and Devils

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This is a short blog on Protecting your private home and/or dome against Evil, and improving your living comfort, attaining and maintaining free dome.

I have my room filled with all kinds of plants.

Aswell as Himalayan salt, Ferrite magnets, Copper pennies ( yes this is Nickle with a little copper but This will suffice! )


on every corner of the room, the more the better as long as the energy keeps Spiraling positive energy.


From The Bible/et cepher:

I placed Notes With verses stuck unto the walls and Ceilings as the good book tells us to do. Also Placing them on the floor:

I drew the eye of Horus on every corner of the walls, for extra protection.

And written notes Invoking; Love,  appreciation, and gratitude To Yahuah, Tmh Devine Creatrix Pulling negative thoughts away.



And letting good thoughts come in, away from any negative distractions.

You can get Etiophyan Bible from the Google play store Here, And Et Cepher Here, As well as Buy  The Hardcover Here.

Chanting yah “yaaaah” for a few minutes,
Filling the room with positive energy.
Saying allot of prayers. Breathing in the positive energy.



The plants help bringing a positive atmosphere as well, Touching the plants now and then and just say, I love this plant, watering the plants and keeping cups, pots or jars with water in the room especially close to the bed.

This will all work to change the energy in the room back to positive faster.

I Make Sure Have this already and done before I try smudging, Using White Sage and Palo Santo. You can find more info

here: How to Perform a Smudging Ritual and Prayer.

The chanting during the performing of this ritual works good, giving prayers to th living El Yahuah all mighty.

Then cast them out:

“in the name of Yahshua Hammashiac and all that is holy, Satan begone, demons begone, devils begone, liars begone, 13 begone!”

Also chanting “Mazarhem!”

We read at least 1 page of verses a day, but to cleans the room properly you can also read the good book for an hour or more inside your living room and bedroom.

When you are defending yourself against the evil powers, ye best drink lemon water, eat organic fruits. 

Never eat when the sun is down, Never eat at night.
and eat little when your not fasting.
Nuts and homemade soup with no sugar and only healthy Himalayan salt is also fine. Just no artificial Foods, everything natural, and preferably organic.
(Organic Feeds the soul and biomagnetic energy)


Eat Hot Peppers!

Hot spices have been used to get rid of parasites since ancient times.

Charge up, breath in extra prana.
Wake early at 6 Am.
Go to a park or beach or natural environment.
enjoy the sun, or swimming outside, enjoy when et rains, enjoy the wind when et blows.

Remember to NEVER give anyone a handshake.
Don’t let that negative In.
Don’t let strangers in.
Do not invite them, because you also invite what’s within them, this is the same during dials and social media.

Avoid unnecessary television/cellphone, and pc screens.
Watch Plants, animals, scenic nature, to balance the number of images
racing through the subconscious mind, having to mutch negative images, sounds, footages, memories racing through the subconscious mind will make you sick with severe mental discomfort, (doesn’t necessarily go noticed)

To Ward-off the Evil Eye

If you are having negative energetic breach or infections and you need an exorcism than this is the way to go. Refrain from sin.

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(This here is actually a chimera that is famous on the internet as  “skinwalker” and “The Rake”  Exiting is that there are multiple different footages on the net of this same creature, Here is one of the stories: YT Link.

These Devils or Alien things, not like the one above, I called Intraterrestrial Alien Demons, instead of just Aliens or extraterrestrials is because they are on a lower density; vibrational wave band, being intangible and near-invisible…, They’re not necessarily from another planet, this world has many worlds on different densities as well as different dimensions, and allot more weird stuff that I personally don’t really care for. They are factually everywhere, standing inside objects, such as chairs in public transports such as busses and trains, next to lantern poles, everywhere on the street on every street at every corner.
But also inside homes, next to where your bed is, Taunting and hating in jealousy trying to leech negative emotional energy, they are extremely hateful
little parasites whom may give you quite a scare looking like sentient beings. (Looking like, but they are devils)

They are aggressively zealous to sadistic malice and wrath for their please and desire they can never fulfill.
It’s unpleasant to fall to close to their Low vibrational low-level existence, getting dragged into hell.

Falling in vibration makes them more visible and then they try to pull you down, as your getting in the negative thoughts atmosphere’s
of these underworld beings, at this vibrational level, they will try to mentally attack you and pull you further inside of their field.

monstera deliciosa (Wiki link)

Now, As I mentioned before I All kinds of plants filled in my room, I have some: monstera deliciosa plants, some Schefflera plants, a few Bromelia plants, aloe vera, a small palm tree (Cycas revoluta) and small eucalyptus tree, Fern plant, Ficus tree, orchid, Echeveria, gardenia jasmine, Spathiphyllum plant,


I can’t get enough, I also grow my own lemon tree’s, And again I’l put more plants in and around the house soon.


There are also red energy demonic creatures that run inside of your bedroom trough open windows, sit on you while you sleep, and you’ll feel paralyzed
for a few seconds as you woke up and trying to move your stunned body.







This is how I would describe them, but nothing like a full plump physical body, more like a badly drawn slim red line art of bad energy, that is burning hot upon touch, They run fast and seem to either fall out trough the ceiling intangible, I had thought to have seen one running out of the window very, very fast, or perhaps a fascinating figs of mine imagination, which amused me and unfortunately doesn’t happen as often as I would like to write about.

This is something many people apparently have had and I’ve had this quite thought to have this more often than can clearly  remember,
as a young adult perhaps as well as a child, but back then I thought they were dream related.
Well, so do others who dream about aliens being very close to them and then they wake up, on a high vibration seeing nothing, or on a low vibration
noticing strange sentient being standing next to them, or so the story goes.

It’s common, this happens often, nothing to be frightened about, you could try taking a piss on them Evil intraterestrial Spirits, I’m not suggesting this.
Angels help, you help yourself, you help them helping others more instead.

I like monstera deliciosa plants and the Bromelia and chleffera are doing very good as well, So I’ll be getting some more of them next, maybe I’l
hang a few monsteras’s on the ceiling, they are easy to keep needing little water and little sunlight and they can grow big.

My Greatest Regards, In love and light.

Massaquoi Gusti

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Healing Blog

War Crimes Blog

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