Sexual abstinence, chastisement, NoFap

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If you know th(e) Entire Bible, you’re able to calm down
because the word of yah will keep spiraling in th(e) back of your mind, negating temptation thought to form perpetually.

This is th(e) only “key” way to unburden enough to abstain.

Furthermore eating only natural organic, calorically restricted, and
no – little Artifical is th best anti-aphrodisiac.

Abstaining from orgasm for 90 days re wires th(e) brain,
trough neuroplasticity, your reward receptors heal, so you’re able to detach from th(e) addiction.
Healing those reward receptors aid you in living more successful as every productive thing will now feel more euphoric.
Reading books (in paper better than digital) increases
the neuroplasticity taking better shape.

Absence from sex is important: Chastisement, once a month would be better than once a week.

Male Orgasms Consist of: Bone marrow fluids, Hypcampus fluids,
spinal fluids, Muscle, blood and lymfic plasma aswell as biomagnetic life energy, a male orgasm nearly disables th aura field for a whole day or more.

Males need to recuperate, excessive ejaculations damage th entire body from within, damages th mind and soul, Especially if there was no intercourse but solo play.

Thus abstinence from male ejaculation is key to health.

Especially men are more willing to be non-sexualy intimate and engaging in romance when abstaining. This is very important for a successful relationship.

– Why do no fap?

You will be able to regain physical health effectively
You will gain better looks: (Example beards and skin texture will eventually look better)
You will be able to regain mental clarity and overall mental health.
You will be able building an aura field, as ki in your intestines grows stronger like a battery. Read Mantak shia here
you will be able to self love more naturally and authenticly,
in turn attracting more abundance and loving encounters.
You will be able to regain phylosopia (A love for obtaining knowledge)
You will be able to endure fasting better.
You will be able to regain spiritual strength.
you will be able to obtain clever thoughts that help you.
not feel lost in life, as you are abstaining from sin.
You will tend to not relapse into other addictions, such as video games which abuse th(e) reward circuitry in th(e) brain which children and adults in combination with masturbation addiction, choose to be a victim to, or fall victim to being un edified.

(Not counting nocturnal emissions)
A healthy male who chastises does not ejaculate more than once every 6 to 12 months.
A Less healthy male that does ejaculate, once in 1 or 3 months

An addicted Male Ejeculates 3 times a day every day: Un edified Children in puberty and adolescence, Damaging themselves noticeably excessively.

Sexual addiction and ejaculation Is more harmful than modern west nations had been held to believe.

Even though th(e) bible commands not to sin:
Ejaculating is also sin.
Pornography causes Torment as biblically described is punishment.

Children fall victim to this.

Read also from my blog: Children Sexually active under the age of 10, child sexual abuse, pedophilia


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