The digitalization and how this affects children later on in life.

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In modern-day times the digitalization has taken over pen and paper almost everywhere.

In elementary school, high school, college, the digitalization has replaced allot of writing with pen on paper.

although this seems convenient.
This is however not, especially for young children et is so important and vital to the development of their minds.

When writing on paper, everything is recorded, every movement of the pen, in chronological order, you are
telling a story to your self, th paper sends out light signals to the mind, showing an exact recording of what was
written on paper in exact chronological order.

This affects the spirit a bit different than typing on a digital device.
the same happens but affects the mind different.

when writing on paper, th spirit is tickled by the feeling that has been recorded on paper.
if writing slow, with attention, without errors or mistakes, the spirit mind is tickled more with feelings.
but errors and mistakes irritates and makes feel ashamed, so if a pupil at a young age is hastened allot writing and makes mistakes this irritates the spirit and gives a discomforting feeling.

When writing on paper, the spirit mind, trough th brain gets an extra stimulation from the light information
send out from the paper to the mind, this happens every time an individual is confronted with absorbing
or remembering a knowledge that is exact or similar to the subject that has been previously written on paper by
the individual,
thus if written with more decency there is more feeling, this tickles the right and left brain which causes a decreased
resistance in contracting signals from the neurons in the right and left brain to the midbrain,
which is remembering/thinking in the brain.

Most importantly the spirit mind can’t always perceive digital information or any information that is out of the natural.

Unnatural light (F waves) from Digital Devices and machines.
Natural information from book prints and paper written things are shared by spirits in the spiritual realm
this goes incredibly fast, about more than 100 times faster than your avatar is experiencing in the physical.

Newspapers, printed books, and handwritten notes on paper, etc, are incredibly important.

Everything digital isn’t always accessible to the spirits.

Because everything that has been absorbed by the mind keeps sending out signals to the brain
to stimulate the brain rendering images against each other and contracting data from the left and right brain
storage. which is stimulated by feeling,
everything a child learns during his childhood is incredibly important for his mental spiritual and physical health
for the rest of his life.

a child is pure, so everything he writes and does and studies and observes is stored in the brain as purer.

If a child is continually exposed to digital devices and learns trough digital devices and types on digital
devices instead of writing, then this purity which is recorded in the brain gets intermingled with
the digital, unnatural, which records fewer feelings, and contracts fewer feelings to the mind.

Thus, a child during his elementary years must be exposed to as little digital devices as possible and has to be edified the most natural brain developing possible that records the purity trough his works and studying in the best way.
which is writing on paper. and reading from paper.

Example: Just learning how to write is already a huge, I Mean Huge impact on the EQ and Wellbeing of the individual
for the rest of his life on all levels,
Not having this would cause behavior problems, and almost all behavior problems are primordially caused by this.

This is because remembering how to write and speak, and use language is continuously root remembered trough
the stimulus light information contracted to the brain from the paper on which the child had written
to learn writing, spelling, language.
Because of having done this at a young age, the purity is recorded on his writings,
and the purity is continuously contracted perpetually to the mind of the individual for the rest of his life.

if this process is sabotaged by recording less purity because the child has learned
only or mostly through digital devices so that he had written little on paper or nothing,
that means the individual contracts information from the digital device and less from paper,
the information from the digital device had recorded fewer feelings, less purity so the individual
contracts less pure information this way.

This causes huge problems!

In the mind of an individual, there is a constant battle going on between pure information and corrupt information.

Corrupt information has less resistance against parasites trying to posses and change a mental signal.
pure information has a higher resistance against parasites trying to posses and change a mental signal.

Too pure information (like that from a child) has such a high resistance against parasites trying to posses and change
a mental signal, et blows the parasites away (like the Stagg Patronus from the famous “harry potter 2 movie”)

This battle going on in the mind, which is the lockdown off freedom into the slavery of men,
is fought by reading the bible often and praying often for instance.

but children getting destroyed by the digitalization and not getting edified, reading the holy scriptures
and th holy doctrines, performing prayers daily, doing right, learning right, study how to live, and being allowed
to live successfully.

Man spiritually blissed on earth can see the light orbs getting absorbed into their beings from objects such as
writes on paper.

This knowledge is known by parliament, is known by universities!

if you copy write a text published digital, then what you have written on paper is yours authentic so the
storytelling light codes that are signaled to your brain is not only quoting from your writes but giving a
the photographic storytelling of what and how you had written in chronological order,
however if what you had written is written with quotes to quote the text you had copied from the source which
was published digitally, then the light codes that signal to your brain partially and in chronological storytelling
from your writes get to send out from the digital source, literally from a digital device instead of paper and they
contain signals that are less pure, contain fewer feelings and are corrupt, so that the parasites are able
to attack these mental signals with less resistance unless the individual still holds a larger purity.

Again this knowledge is known by parliaments internationally, known by the universities internationally,
ministers of education legislating th digitalization: for elementary schools, they know these facts,
they’ve become grotesque crimes against children, INTERNATIONALLY!

They are destroying man lives, they are destroying human lives,
they are destroying our youth they are destroying our children.


This digitalization is causing behavior problems in individuals everywhere because their minds are polluted and grown wrong since young age: they don’t have th natural pure mind programs of studying the right way absorbed into their minds.
they got fake artificial light rendering in the brain from the digital screens from th movies from the tv programs from everything unnatural.
so these parasites get larger strongholds and there are less pure resources in the minds of these individuals to counter this corrupt rendering in the brain.
they losing their minds, they losing the counter brain signaling rendering in the mind and they are literally losing their physical bodies to these parasites, not realizing their spirits get smashed down from the seat of their soul, and their bodies getting operated by other evil spirits manipulating them in behavior in microscopic seconds perpetually throughout their lives.
not realizing nor remembering, because these parasites are bombarding the mind with lethargic attacks and short term and long term memory loss attacks, literally preventing a process of remembering about 5 incentive attacks per second to erase the mind.

These parasites are located in the spiritual so they are intangible, they foresee the signals entering
the lower frequency from a foresight perspective, they are changing the corrupt signals so fast that the
an individual with his split spirit partition still operating his every cell of his body is not always able
to counter foresight the change of signals.
Pure signals especially too pure signals are more perceptible with faster foresight, faster thinking.
so they are not changeable because the spirit fights the package forward of these signals before they enter the
brain and is more perceptible for the individual’s physical cognitive observing.

An individual having his physical experience, cognitively observes his intentions as his own, while the signal
which creates the sensation of having an intention and the second signal which creates th confirming sensation
of having an intention is manipulated into the individual: “a thought infusion” which is a complete manipulation
by parasites.

Th study of pure knowledge and the doctrine practices of doing pure deeds in life which is momentum remembered in th brain and information stored in all-natural objects which offset signals to th individual is th prime remedy of man
and mankind on earth.


Leaving your area where, the surface ground, th bodies of water and every natural object and th books you read,
which are signaling you, telling you your story in a chronological manner, as an external mind drive to stimulate.

your avatar mental storage (brain and spirit mind) to think faster and have a larger foresight and helps remember
your likes, dislikes, routines, and emotions, etc …. Leaving your area for a vacation
distances you from all this, unless you have a very high pure energy and strong aura field, which increases
the light code signals speed and area of contracting reach, … you go on vacation
while on vacation you change drastically doing things that seemingly you wouldn’t normally do, at all,
like its not you, and then you get back from vacation having changed allot, and you get back confused,
like you’ve been away from your self and your disorientated,
you got higher energy but you’re also fighting back allot to reattach too all these external mental points
to win back your routine, some people wrong and trash themselves during vacation and wrong and trash themselves
when they get back because they got so far detached from these external mental points which are aiding them
to stay true to what’s stored within their minds, they get disorientated, not being in touch with themselves.

This is also why sin causes problems on objects and makes people feel discomfortable, although desensitized by the
natural adaptability of a being capable to cope with changes, this does cause weakness.

this is also why traumas keep getting stimulated if an individual stays within an area where pre and post the event of a
trauma, if such a thing happened at home systematically the info is in the walls and objects and keeps getting
send to the individual, perpetually causing severe discomfort to an individual.

This is also why feelings stored on objects can cause wild discomfort vise versa.

This is also why et takes a community to build something successful.
et takes a village to raise a child.

Water is a super external storage drive.
et stores such a huge amount of information.
not just your whole life can be photographically stored in just a drop of water sending whole chronologically to th individual
like a movie but that of every individual in a whole city.
(depending on how pure the water is)
Individuals doing right, being pure have a larger (right of writing onto a droplet of water shared within a
the large area occupied by individuals) thus their routines and thoughts get stored on this droplet of water,
if doing so for months, years, this all keeps raining down onto the area, onto other area’s,
naturally, this happening serves individuals external minds stimulating their avatars spiritual and physical mind,
but the pure and righteous are influencing others this way, they are at large, changing the world.

This is why,
Th study of pure knowledge and the doctrine practice of doing pure deeds in life which is momentum remembered in th brain
and information stored in all-natural objects which offset signals to th individual is th prime remedy of man
and mankind on earth.

Getting pure and righteous is the one and only remedy for man and mankind.
Every creation not thought up and made by an individual pure enough is but a fragile thing that brings no remedy no matter how large mind, no matter how much thought, no matter how much time, no matter how many individuals,
no matter how much money poured into a thing.
et cannot be a long-lasting remedy and et cant be permanent.
this is on all technologies and all clever intentions for cure and prevention.

More about Crist conscious.

– Da13thsun Amaru Bey
– Dr. Phil Valentine
– Dr. Yaffa Bey

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