US seeks war with irak, … again! Part 1

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The horrible war crimes committed by the US in
Iran and Afghanistan under the bush and Obama administration,  Iraq still recovering, US has left the war zones and their people wasted not paying for damages, and they want war with Iraq, again.

Ghosts of Abu Ghraib – Documentary

‘What drove jihadists to take up arms in Iraq? The experience of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo’
Published time: 15 Dec, 2015 12:37
Nuclear Weapons War Crimes By US – Nato Du munition, having been used close to civilians Causing congenital birth defects in all the offspring of nearby area’s:

(RT: “The city of Najaf saw one of the most severe military actions during the 2003 invasion.”
“RT traveled to the area”

(RT: Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq
Published time: 22 Jul, 2013 13:21

“In cities like Basra and Fallujah, where American and British forces used heavy munitions at the start of the war, it is estimated that over half of all babies conceived after the start of the war were born with heart defects.”

“According to a study published in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology between October 1994 and October 1995, the number of birth defects per 1,000 live births in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 1.37.”
“In 2003, the number of birth defects in the same hospital was 23 per 1,000 live births. Within less than a decade, the occurrence of congenital birth defects increased 17-fold.”

See my other blog/Vlog: Congenial birth defects, NATO Du, and nuclear pollution, DNA modifications, and eugenics genocide.

NATO Has been using DU munition in their wars since the golf wars and never stopped using them,
they also used them in the war in Syria.

(RT: US admits using toxic depleted uranium against ISIS in Syria
Published time: 14 Feb, 2017 18:22

NATO is still continuing th(e) use of DU munition,
despite th(e) heavy criticism against th(e)
use of these weapons, Also Repeatingly ignored the “INF” & “IRN”  Treaties.

(RT: Putin signs law suspending INF treaty with US
Published time: 3 Jul, 2019 12:05

(RT: US and Russia after the INF Treaty: What should Europeans fear?
Published time: 29 Jul, 2019 15:44


(RT: Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes
Published time: 23 Nov, 2011 14:13

Have they paid for damages from their last invasion in Iraq,  NO. Yet US Wants to fight with Tehran and Iran again, over oil, continuing the legacy of G.W. Bush’s war crimes, all over again.

(RT: Trump says he would ‘certainly’ go to war with Iran ‘over nuclear weapons’, but not right now
Published time: 18 Jun, 2019 14:54

Th(e) US has been destabilizing countries everywhere to force the USD
for oil trades,

They are trying to prevent gold back Currency trades being the standard currency for oil trades,
The US is bankrupt and USD is based on a
corrupt debt scheme,
USD would decline disastrous if other countries
would refuse to trade oil in USD “Petrodollar wars”

(RT: US ‘Empire of Debt’ will go to war to stop emergence of petro-yuan – Max Keiser
Published time: 25 Oct, 2017 21:32

(RT: Putin’s revenge may see petro-yuan replace petrodollar
Published time: 27 Oct, 2017 17:07

This is also the main reason why the US and Europe countries went against Ghadafi, as well as Saddam Hussein, who where zealous in creating a strong
gold back currency with neighboring countries in the region.
Which was the reason for them to cause conflict within the country,
trough mass deception causing the middle east uprising, the war in Egypt and invade Iraq and Afghanistan, not because of nuclear weapons, they never found any.

Which is also another aspect of their aggression and lies about Russia, Russia having under the presidency of Vladimir Putin since 2000, recently paid off all their national debt:
(RT: Russia pays off the balance of the Soviet Union’s foreign debt
Published time: 22 Aug, 2017 09:47

Yet still, other countries being indebted to Russia
refusing to pay, like Ukraine:

(RT: Kiev refuses to pay Russian debt because it was ‘forced to take the money’
Published time: 27 Jul, 2016 09:38

(RT: Ukraine has no ‘justifiable defense’ for non-payment of $3bn debt to Russia – UK court
Published time: 29 Mar, 2017 14:54

Russia Since under the presidency of Vladimir Putin modernized their country, solving issues remainder since the USSR, Bettering social equality, improving infrastructure, are currently the leading nation in modernizing military weaponry, and in partnership with china created a
stronger Russian RU Backed by the gold reserve.
(Also Creating a new secure national internet called the Intranet, and trying to rival google, with Yandex browser and search engine.

(RT: US sanctions two leaders of ‘Iranian-backed militias’ in Iraq, blames Tehran for ‘spreading terror’
Published time: 18 Jul, 2019 16:57

(RT: Iraq won’t let US strike Iran from its territory
Published time: 26 Jun, 2019 03:33

(RT: $300 oil? US war with Iran spells catastrophe for global economy, expert tells RT
Published time: 25 Jun, 2019 10:56

(RT: Trump threatens Iran with ‘OBLITERATION’ by ‘overwhelming force’ if it attacks ‘anything American’
Published time: 25 Jun, 2019 14:56

(RT: ‘How many has US killed?’ Zarif slams Washington hypocrisy, says Iran will never produce nukes
Published time: 25 Jun, 2019 15:04

(RT: US planned to hit 3 different sites in response to Iran, was told 150 people would have died – Trump
Published time: 21 Jun, 2019 13:08

Nuclear summit, commercial ships sinking, being lost, having been captured.
US aggression shooting down Irak Military yet.

This aggression and provoking being similar to
other US marine aggression: (US aggression
in a reaction to Kerch straight, which are
not in accordance with international Law)

(RT: Ukraine seizes Russian tanker allegedly blocking its ships in Kerch Strait
Published time: 25 Jul, 2019 11:10

Ukrain US Funded Destabilization and take over by far-right neo-nazi groups, waging war against Roma – Russia’s people.
A horrid war in Europe that was not recognized
for years until recent (summit) ,
Eu still tends to give the cold shoulder
especially duo to the Europe Parlement and EU nations leaders being far-right pro-neo-nazi,
causing destabilizing conflicts in Europe
where there are rape epidemics and rise of
neo-nazis and criminal immigrants among the refugees. (Angela Merkel even recruiting isis members into th(e) german army.)

The US Has been lying about their aims towards the middle east, Ukraine, and Russia, and using their agencies to cause conflict using various tactics, Such as the use of crisis actors, Agents such as th(e) white helmets in Syria

(RT: US, Europe & NATO risk all-out war by backing unhinged Kiev regime
Published time: 27 Nov, 2018 16:25

(RT: Organ theft, staged attacks: UN panel details White Helmets’ criminal activities, media yawns
Published time: 25 Dec, 2018 16:42

(RT: The White Helmets, alleged organ traders & child kidnappers, should be condemned not condoned
Published time: 22 Jan, 2019 16:14

while selling weapons to Saudi Arabia who has been fighting a horrid war against Yemen for years now, innocent Yemeni civilians suffering horrible living conditions of which a femin which still threaten and affect the lives of 14 million people.

The US clearly doesn’t fight Saudi sending troops to Yemen, and the military intervention in Syria where under false pretenses as they have been arming rebel isis groups and selling weapons to mercenaries even training them, who are now fighting for al quid.

The US Has been keeping the nations hostage with aggressive war crimes.

US – Nato is very aggressive with their military bases being close to rivaling countries.

Having committed War Crimes, also remotely using drones and Nuclear and biochemical warfare.

(YT:  80% of drone strike victims innocent civilians

And still plans on doing so:

(RT: Trump cancels reports on civilian deaths in US drone strikes
Published time: 6 Mar, 2019 19:02

(RT: Defensive bioweapon? DARPA wants insects to spread genetically modified viruses… to ‘save crops’
Published time: 5 Oct, 2018 00:47

(RT: Dozens of Georgians likely killed by US toxin or bioweapon disguised as drug research – Russian MoD
Published time: 4 Oct, 2018 12:13

(RT: Genetically engineered viruses may become the next generation of warfare
Published time: 1 Nov, 2018 10:22

The international community has been,
negotiating to prevent further world war outbreak, at the cost of remedies and true freedom, especially for 3rd world countries.

A mass protest has not done enough to prevent the US
from starting more wars in the past.
However Giving More Recognition to their enemies,
and helping other countries to increase their commerce and establish stronger gold-backed currencies, whipping out the dollar preventing oil trades in the US can help other countries strengthening themselves, and fending off US terrorist agencies causing destabilization campaigns.

(RT: ‘Attempt to destabilize Venezuela’: Moscow condemns attack on Maduro
Published time: 5 Aug, 2018 14:43

(The Philippines, under the presidency of R. Duderte,
is a clear example of US legal tyranny preventing
other nations to step up harder against terrorist and criminals who are helped by these US Terrorist agencies.

Th(e) International human rights law’s, for example, prevent police in 3rd world countries using the necessary force to step up against criminals and terrorist, which us in response threatens with Trade sanctions.

(YT: Duterte ‘separates’ from the US and says he’s with China and Russia ‘against the world’

Now the US has raised sanctions against Iran,
though the US has not paid Iran for the war crimes they committed, civilians in Iraq still and for decades to come having offspring with congenital birth defects, and the land still needs to be more thoroughly decontamination as well as the neighboring counties that have been exposed and infected by nuclear man-made particles from th(e)
DU munition US-NATO Has used, same goes for other counties the US Military have been operating on using these weapons, like Syria.

Th(e) US Citizens are being held hostage for decades, as the US has been committing horrific war crimes against their citizens as well as under the presidency of Donald Trump.

The US Prison complex, martial law style
police state, as well as poisoning the citizens
using them as guinea pigs.

Internationally Political opponents against the US-Nato and nato supporting countries are being confined and imprisoned under the false accusations
of being Russian Spies, as well as psychiatric
Detention centers against political opponents have been widely used and thoroughly established among the nations that do support their war crimes.

(RT: Australia’s Abu Ghraib outrage: Kids teargassed & stripped naked at detention center (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
Published time: 26 Jul, 2016 12:53

Many countries support Covertly, Making statements and taking minor action under false pretenses: Psyops war tactics.

News media who oppose are labeled propaganda machines using fear tactics.

Netherlands NOS News Has repeatedly called Russia today, Kremlin propaganda, accusing Russia of shooting down the MH17, While refusing to report more important news day after day, week after week, for years, using NHL, DHP Techniques To manipulate viewers. Back in 2013 NOS held this strange policy of old news reports to only be accessible upon request.

I often find news reports to stay within a narration of stories leading to a more positive outcome for the reader while clearly, they are not.

Donald Trump is set to visit London in December for the next NATO Heads of state summit.

In response, there will be a large protest against trump and NATO, Organized by StopTheWarCoalition

“No to Trump – No to NATO – London Demonstration
December 2019 London”

“NATO, as an aggressive and expansionist nuclear and military alliance, plays a dangerous global role – it’s still in Afghanistan 18 years on and is expanding into Latin America. The summit will be a crucial opportunity for our movement to oppose Trump’s nuclear warmongering and interventionist agenda.

The exact date and location have not yet been announced, but we must begin building the mobilization now so the movement is ready to take action in December. Let’s unite against war and military aggression and ensure President Trump’s visit to Britain will be met with the response that it deserves”


Previous Protest Against Another War in Irak by stopthewarcoalition,
@STWstudents – StudentStopTheWar

Which was held last 26 June 2019 | London | Don’t Attack Iran – Downing Street Protest Link:

Stopthewarcoalition organizes various
events in partnership with other groups taking action against the UK government and other Nato supporting countries selling weapons to Saudi, Aswell as other events in aid to their cause to stop international war crimes being committed.

such as The day of action for Yemen- stop selling weapons to Saudi, last March 2019:

Demonstrators from the Stop The War Coalition stage the protest against the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, war in Yemen and UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia outside the Saudi Arabian Embassy in London, Britain, October 25 2018. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls – RC1E4E6DFFB0

Yemen genocide, US Nato supporting countries UK, Saudi horrid war crimes, no word remedies insight.

And their demonstration against DSEI
@Stopthearmsfair! –
Which wil be held on 2-8 September 2019

Every two years, the global arms trade comes to London. DSEI, one of the world’s largest arms fairs, returns in September 2019.

This is where those who profit from war, repression, and injustice do business. This is where we can stop them.

More than 1,000 arms companies plan to set up shop, marketing their wares to more than 30,000 attendees from around the world.

Join the week of action (2nd – 8th September 2019)!
(Excel Centre, London, E16. DLR: Prince Regent; Royal Victoria)

Monday 2nd September: Stop Arming Israel
Tuesday 3rd September: No Faith in War
Wednesday 4th September: No Nuclear
Thursday 5th September: Conference at the Gates
Friday 6th September: Climate Justice
Saturday 7th September: Festival of Resistance
Sunday 8th September: Borders & Migration
Join the vigils!
(Near Victoria Dock at Excel Centre, London, E16. DLR: Royal Victoria)

On Monday 9th September: Eve of the Arms Fair Silent Vigil
On Tuesday 10th September: Wreath Laying in Victoria Dock

Art the Arms Fair (3-13th September)!
(Maverick Projects, Peckham, London. SE15.)

During the week of action, and into the following week (3rd-13th September 2019), Art the Arms Fair will be exposing the arms trade.”


I attended the rally for Palestine
on March 30, 2019, in London, in front of the
Israeli consulate.
Organized by Stopthewarcoalition


I will also be attending the protest against
Trump and NATO (update 2 november 2019: i will not go, however will still be supporting them)

Update 1: – 17 oktober 2019

RT: Stealth aggression: US attacked Iran with cyberweapons, including after Saudi oil refinery airstrike – reports 16 Oct, 2019 06:42 / Updated 22 hours ago

“The US has conducted several cyberwarfare operations against Iran in recent months, including one in retaliation for the September 14 attack on Saudi oil infrastructure, according to Reuters sources.”

” Washington has a long record of using its cyber-offensive capabilities against Iran. The most famous example was Operation Olympic Games, which involved infecting industrial controllers at an Iranian uranium enrichment plant with a virus designed to damage centrifuges in ostensibly natural malfunctions. “
[Update: 2 novemeber 2019 Read: US seeks war with Irak, … Again! Part 2

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