US Seeks War With Iraq, … Again! Part 2

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(RT: 3 signs the ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran isn’t working 16 Oct, 2019 15:10 / Updated 17 days ago

“The US’ so-called “maximum pressure” campaign targeting Tehran is certainly having a lasting effect on the people of Iran and its economy,”

(Read Part 1 here: US seeks war with irak, … again!)

“since Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the plug on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)”

“Clearly, sanctions are strangling Iran and perhaps over a much longer term, Iran’s economy may not be able to cope.”

“There is no international will for a war with Iran, whether a cold war or hot war (economic warfare is still warfare)”

(RT: Coming back to another warzone: US troops leaving Syria will find ‘home’ in… western Iraq 20 Oct, 2019 08:27 / Updated 12 days ago

Donald Trump recently insinuated that troops stationed in Syria would be returning home, but it appears that more than 700 troops leaving the country are actually destined for another Middle East warzone: Iraq.

(RT: Iran’s Khamenei says US & allies behind public turmoil in Iraq, Lebanon after Hariri resignation 30 Oct, 2019 11:50 / Updated 2 days ago

The supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has said the US and its Middle Eastern allies are to blame for the ongoing instability in Iraq and Lebanon. It comes after Lebanese PM Saad Hariri stepped down in response to protests.

Khamenei said that mass protests in the two nations, both of which have good relations with Tehran, have been influenced by the US, Israel and “some Western countries.” He claimed the unrest had been funded by “reactionary countries” in the region, a term used by Iranian authorities to describe Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies.

(RT: Lebanese PM Hariri announces resignation amid large-scale protests 29 Oct, 2019 14:05 / Updated 3 days ago

” Lebanese PM Saad al-Hariri is tendering his own resignation and that of his government, after over a week of protests that paralyzed the country, as the people accuse authorities of corruption and of causing an economic collapse. ”

(RT: Iraqi PM to resign as violent protests grip the country 31 Oct, 2019 14:33 / Updated 1 day ago

“Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi is set to resign amid growing nationwide anti-government protests, Al-Sumaria television has reported.

Up to 250 people have already been killed in the ongoing protests, with demonstrators accusing security forces of violence and heavy-handedness.”


“Protesters are demanding an overhaul of the country’s political system which was implemented following the 2003 US invasion.”

(RT: Iraqi government should listen to ‘legitimate demands’ of protesters – Pompeo 2 Nov, 2019 06:17 / Updated 11 hours ago

“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo backed massive anti-government protests in Iraq which have been raging for a month despite the curfew, violence, and high death toll.”

“At least 250 protesters have died in clashes with Iraqi security forces, some allegedly killed by sniper fire.”

Its questionable wheter the snipers could have been mercinary escalating conflict, Like in Venezuela 2002, thailand april 2010, Kyrgystan June 2010,
Ukraine’s maidan protests 2014:

(RT: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders – leaked EU’s Ashton phone tape 5 Mar, 2014 12:41 / Updated 4 years ago

(RT: Kiev snipers shooting from bldg controlled by Maidan forces – Ex-Ukraine security chief 13 Mar, 2014 02:25 / Updated 4 years ago

(RT: Reuters investigation exposes ‘serious flaws’ in Maidan massacre probe 10 Oct, 2014 20:45 / Updated 5 years ago

(Vice News on Youtube: Russian Roullete Documentary The invasion of Ukraine

And Arab spring, Libiya 2011, Syria 2011, egypt 2011, tunesia 2011, Snipers shoot inocent cilivians, who do they belong to? controversial stories emerge, but its well documented that west goverment, US, Nato Is behind those attacks using mercinaries.

Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change”

{[Update 11 november 2019] :In many cases us militairy have been found operative as mercenaries in terrorist groups carrying US Marines isignia and nazi symbols:

(RT:  ‘Heroes’ to MURDERERS: How US soldiers fought for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, then killed Florida couple to fund VENEZUELAN killing spree 30 Sep, 2019 01:21 / Updated 1 month ago

(RT: US soldier arrested for plot to bomb news network planned to fight with Azov Battalion in Ukraine 23 Sep, 2019 18:58 / Updated 1 month ago

(RT: Ukraine’s Nazis: Who are they, why are they so influential — and why have media ignored them? 5 Sep, 2019 12:09 / Updated 2 months ago

(RT: US would attack foes & friends to protect its hegemony and doesn’t shy away from using terrorists as proxies – Assad to RT 11 Nov, 2019 05:17 / Updated 2 hours ago


The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented.  No rational government attempting to stay in power would resort to unknown snipers to intimidate its opponents. Shooting at innocent protestors would be counterproductive in the face of unmitigated pressure from Western governments determined to install a client regime in Damascus. Shooting of unarmed protestors is only acceptable in dictatorships that enjoy the unconditional support of Western governments such as Bahrain, Honduras or Colombia.

A government which is so massively supported by the population of Syria would not sabotage its own survival by setting snipers against the protests of a small minority.

{update 3 november 2019}

(RT: DRONES, Statue of Liberty & MURDEROUS Mickey Mouse: Iran unveils new murals at former US embassy 2 Nov, 2019 21:18 / Updated 11 hours ago

(RT: ‘Iranian threat’ gives Israel ‘fundamental right, even obligation’ to bomb whomever it wants – Pompeo 20 Oct, 2019 02:35 / Updated 14 days ago

{update 4 november 2019}

(RT: Protesters storm Iranian consulate & raise Iraqi flag, burn tires & hurl Molotov cocktails in Karbala 4 Nov, 2019 08:54 / Updated 2 hours ago

{Update 5, 7 november 2019}

(RT: ‘Step in the wrong direction’: US fumes as Iran expands uranium enrichment beyond nuclear deal limits 6 Nov, 2019 04:47 / Updated 23 hours ago

{Update 9 november 2019}

(RT: Iran says it shot down infiltrator drone near key port – not one of ours, US responds 8 Nov, 2019 15:10 / Updated 14 hours ago

“Iranian air defense forces have shot down a foreign drone near the port city of Mahshahr, Iranian media reported, showing alleged footage of the intercept as proof. The US Central Command said it didn’t lose any of its UAVs.”

[Update: 10 november 2019]

(RT: Iraq protests intensify: 4 demonstrators killed, 100+ injured in fresh clashes with security forces in Baghdad (VIDEOS) 9 Nov, 2019 17:24 / Updated 17 hours ago

“At least four protesters were killed and scores injured in clashes with security forces in the capital as demonstrations over government corruption and failure to provide better living conditions for Iraqis seriously escalated.

The number of dead and injured on Saturday was reported by medical and security officials who spoke to journalists on condition of anonymity. Three of the dead were shot, and the fourth died after being struck on the head with a tear gas canister.”

{[19 november 2019]

[RT: Iran says ‘decisive’ action will be taken if riots continue, warns US against fueling tensions within the country 18 Nov, 2019 19:05 / Updated 14 hours ago

“Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned it will quell public disturbances “decisively” if the riots that gripped the country following fuel price hikes continue.

Any actions that “foment insecurity” or threaten the “calm and tranquility” of Iranian society “will be dealt with decisively,” the IRGC said in a Monday statement published by the local media. The powerful security force did not further elaborate on what exact measures would be taken.”  }

(More update’s soon)


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