WWF Wildlife guards, Crimes against aboriginals Part I

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When I was younger I used to read and watch national geographic allot,
WWF was often asking for donations, in documentaries about scenic nature scenes and wildlife.
They aim toward children, As joyous for th family as WWF is also sponsored by zoo’s.

Just like green peace and other non-profit organizations,
they are selling themselves as always being on top of human rights,
and protecting th interest of life on earth.

And they’re not: Greenpeace holding back on topics of nuclear pollution by nuclear cartel war criminals

and WWF committing genocide against aboriginals stealing their lands like they are a remnant agency from th British and Belgium crown Colonizing war dogs.

Read: Exclusive: OECD opens investigation into WWF in world first
January 5, 2017

WWF has these park guards, pretending to be safari keepers, Pretending to protect th wildlife, well actually selling out to poachers allowing them in trough corruption, trading like th British crown top dog drug lords:  fake royal opium drug trades or th jap whale slaughtering operated and funded by th pro-nuke japish yakuza operated government, eating their whale dish with nuclear cake.

Picture WWF collecting from, ignorant fathers and mothers and their children in zoo’s, schools, amusement parks (like Efteling in holland: th famous attraction “pandadroom 3-D” (or pandadream3d) A cinema movie about forest and wildlife that needs to be protected, which launched and promoted th arrival of 3d digital technology.

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Children and young adults and their families watching this with their 3d glasses on, which after th movie they get into th souvenir shop which  collects for th so-called  “non-profit organization”: “WWF”

Now picture this:

WWF guards prevent native aboriginals from getting food and drinkable water from their own land and drive them out continuously.
They go after them into their homes beating man, woman, and children with machetes, aswel as committing horrible crimes like rape aswel as sexual abuse against children.

That’s WWF.

They are human rights offenders, committing heinous war crimes,
letting poachers in trough corruption, taking a piss on everything that they  supposed to stand for, as well as taking a piss on th people they stole th lands from, and their children and their children’s children which are supposed to inherit these lands, they stole and slaughtered them, and every living thing that’s suppose to be protected by th aboriginal native inhabitants, not them.

They  occupying lands of aboriginals,
Africa, Australia, and other nations as well,
Committing acts of perpetual genocide.
Asking for donations under false pretenses,
part of university indoctrination schemes,
and in particular indoctrinating children, working
together with corrupt national geographic agents, and
presumably, also other non-profit organizations such
as green peace.

They need to go,
The de facto court systems of th Netherlands are however holding
prosecution efforts back, by means of legal tyranny, juridical incorrect procedures which they forbid to be captured on camera
trough police brutality, police guards execive force while lying about th right court procedures and laws.

These Corrupt fake leaders, these war criminal scum holding th world
hostage trough world war tyranny and all aspects and application of war they use on th people are severely stagnating thus th righteous opposition
from prosecuting them and bringing remedy to th nations natives and aboriginals on th land.

Please donate to this cause to help th people survive th hell they are enduring.


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