Yemen Genocide, US Nato Supporting countries Uk, Saudi, Horrid Warcrimes, No World Remedies In Sight.

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The International Community Refuses to implement Technological Remedies At Large Scale Instead they are mass murdering the planet and have been doing so for decades.

US Nato Supporting Countries Committing Warcrimes, Breaking International Laws And  Pushing Coldwar Tactics,
The Rest Of The World Getting Dragged Into Billion-Dollar arms Selling race and multi-billion dollar Investments in weapons.

Great Britain, Canada, France, Us Selling Weapons To Saudi Arabia, Thus Aiding Them in Waging a Horrid War On Yemen, That should have been stopped years ago out of humanitarian crisis, but they refuse to do so they let 14 million people starve to death in Yemen, disease, lack of medicine the situation there is dire and has been for very long time.

Just recently They ordered another batch of weapons to be sold to Saudi, as well as deploying Us Troops Near Saudi, In preparations For Fighting Conflicts with Tehran and Iran, Provoking War.

(RT: Yemeni parents forced to ‘sell’ young daughters for food, Oxfam tells RT
Published time: 6 Mar, 2019 11:09

(RT:‘Comical & tragic’ when US officials say arms sales to Saudis are about ‘exporting human rights’
Published time: 11 Jul, 2019 13:54


(RT: Pompeo confirms $8.1bn arms sales to Arab nations without Congress approval to ‘deter Iran’
Published time: 24 May, 2019 21:48)

(RT: UK ‘complicit in promoting famine’ in war-torn Yemen
Published time: 23 Nov, 2017 19:50)

(RT: UK report on ‘human rights’ forgets to mention Saudi Arabia in section on Yemen war
Published time: 12 Jun, 2019 15:15)

(RT: Houthis fear Saudis can exploit UN-gathered biometrics ‘in military fashion’ in Yemen
Published time: 4 Jul, 2019 09:00

(RT: Bipartisan bill aims to force votes on present & future US arms deals with Saudis
Published time: 10 Jun, 2019 00:55

Follow them on twitter: Here  And Here And
And their website:
Follow them on twitter Here: stop dsei arms fair And Here
And their website:

(RT: ‘We won’t be complicit’: Italian dockworkers refuse to load Saudi arms ship over Yemen war (VIDEO)
Published time: 20 May, 2019 13:56

(RT House votes to block Saudi arms sales in face of Trump’s veto threat
Published time: 18 Juli 2019 00:34

(They do so anyway without congress approval, They have multiple times)

(RT: Reports of heavy explosions as Saudi-led coalition resumes assault on Yemeni capital
Published time: 20 Jul, 2019 02:09)

(RT: War in Yemen can be stopped, warring parties support peace deal – UN envoy
Published time: 23 Jul, 2019 15:10)

All these Billions Of Dollars On War,
They Lie About Bringing any remedy whats over, and when they act they do humanitarian help, is also very much under False Pretences.

Instead of Targeting Countries With Projects To Help Them Build A National Treasury while giving them a loan to fix the problems in their country combined with foreign crowdfunding support.
These new technologies would make this 80% More Financially manageable than before,
Et has to be because all these new technologies are allot cheaper to establish.

Targeting Countries With Horrid Drought Like India,  Middle Eastern Countries, Africa.
Give them rivers and lakes, Microbe Desert Greening technology, Microbe Water Cleaning Technology: Reverse Rural Desert Land Back To cultivable land,
Build these infrastructures for agriculture and drinkable water, Like they did in Kemet, and like the canals of the Netherlands, They don’t need to be dependent on fossil fuels, Commerce Can Be done trough river freight, They don’t need to become an international risk from owning dangerous technologies such as nuclear powerplants, etc.
Give them the cheapest 3d printable structures buildable, bringing homing and job availability from agricultural expanding and market value expanding.
Decreasing Food Price, Decrease Rent Costs of these cheap 3D Houses.
The Revenue Would Be Enormous enough to build national wealth
Enough to pay off the national debt over time.
Enough to build national treasury.
Enough to create gold-backed valuta and become a strong reliable partner of the international community.
Increasing, morals of people, belief, faith, everywhere.

This can be established, It wouldn’t have to cost much.

But they go slaughtering millions of people on the planet going after terrorist they trained they had armed themselves.

Not just outside western 1st world countries, They deploy horrid weaponry like 5G Psychotronic
Hallucination weaponry against civilians as well as nuclear pollution (Link) and starvation of homeless families and them creating and sustaining of pedophile networks, Implementing of Technologies with mal intent and false pretenses, that for a large part not serve the interest of majority on the planet.

Do we need 5G?

Do we need another convenient technology that doesn’t really bring true remedy to seemingly endless amounts of Real Global issues,

Of which there are real viable solutions.
Technological Advancements that are ready to be mass-produced and implemented into our societies
at a dirty cheap cost, I mean as cheap as dirt.

I’m talking Microbes Reverting Deserts back Into Oasis, “Desert Greening”

Microbes that can turn lakes with the most difficult pollutions, back to clean drinking water,
without the microbes leaving any pollution or waste, at all.

Look et up here: Browser Search 

New methods of making artificial rivers and lakes, much faster and cheaper Than
The Rivers That have been in production past decades, Like:

The 15 Billion Us dollar mand made river flowing in America Kansas
A Project started in 1989 and will end in 2020 With the new river flowing
Approximately 400 miles 643,73 Km
Link: Click here. Also Read: Alghariani, S A Man-made Rivers: A New Approach to Water
Resources Development in Dry Areas

Or the Chinese man-made river costing 81 billion dollar
9.5 billion cubic meters of water and 1400 km long.
“The massive undertaking dreamed up by former Communist
Party leader Mao Zedong in the 1950s”
Which just recently has been finished and is being used.
Link: Click Here

Or London’s Serpentine Lake  Just to give a few example’s

3D Printing Houses, Public Buildings, Schools, Libraries of which the building
Cost is so massively cheaper than the old way of building structures.

(Read: How Much Does a 3D Printed House Cost in 2019?


(Read: There will soon be a whole community of ultra-low-cost 3D-printed homes

(Read: These 3D-printed homes can be built for less than $4,000 in just 24 hours

How so are they not used to bing remedy to the places on earth where these remedies are needed the most?

It’s these human-looking fakes, these satanic beast’s:
they eat and rape our children and they are sucking
energy from the emotions of people suffering,
sucking the blood out of living infants like vampires
they are evil demons that would burn people alive standing
close to them sucking in the screams of misery like satans parasites they are.

(RT: ‘Rapid descent into sectarian violence’: Video shows Syrian rebel biting into soldier’s heart
Published time: 13 May, 2013 22:29


Make up your own fucking mind.

{[Update 11 november 2019]

10:51 – 11:28
President Assad: “Terrorist cutting heads and one of them eating the heart of a soldier, i mean this is, …. very common to see on the internet”

Video Segment:
7:35 – 12:52

Full lenght of the video: Link to youtube video


{Update 7 november 2019}
“Leaked footage purports to show weapons, including a US-made vehicle, being transferred to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen amid reports of gear falling into the hands of extremist militias in defiance of US arms agreements.”


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